Friday, December 2, 2011

a lot to be thankful for....

This seems like an appropriate Thanksgiving-esque post.

However, I am fan of giving thanks ALL the time, not just during the month of November.  

Wow, where do I begin??? Well, as many may know, I am full time, actual, not a sub,  real live teacher again, LOL!! My district called me 4 months into the school year. Yep, 4 months.

I basically gave up on the thought of regaining regular teacher status but wow, now I know to seriously not sweat it!!

Its been my first week in 6th grade and I am really, really loving it. I have done 6th before (as well as every other grade it seems) but I am realizing how much I missed teaching 6th grade.

I am overwhelemed at God's goodness and provision to our family. He is amazing.

Some other things I am thankful for is now a solution to my hair issues.  I have found treatment and I hope it will get resolved.

I am grateful for this because it has kicked me in the butt that I need to take better care of myself and not have so much anxiety and to not stress.  I have been making sure I continue to exercise, try to eat better, and now I am taking a slew of vitamins. 

I don't know who has been praying, but boy, do I feel better! I feel like I have been able to manage my stress (um, HELLO new job!), I have more energy and overall, I just physically feel better.

In short, I am feeling very thankful and grateful. I may not be rich, or live in 7,000 sq ft. house, but I feel blessed beyond measure. Thank you Lord.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Mommyhood: The Ugly Truth volume 1

Raise your hand if you are a mommy and you have caught yourself saying "why didn't anyone tell me that (insert your mommy stressor here) would be like this???"

Now, obviously I'm not a mom, so CLEARLY I can't even give my two cents on the topic. However, my friend Shannon Harrigan, mother of two beautiful boys, has written a hilarious E-book called Mommyhood: The Ugly Truth Vol. 1. For all you mommies out there who need a good laugh or a "Oh I can sooooo relate to that" moment, please take a minute to read and purchase my friend's Ebook. It costs a mere $1.99 (way less than a cup of coffee!) for the first volume through kindle, and she currently pumping out volumes 2 and 3 as we speak and will be coming out in a bi-weekly basis. She brings the truth about mommyhood, in a hilarious and almost Chelsea Handler-ish style.

I am lucky to call Shannon my friend (since high school actually!). She is a wonderful mom and is living out her dreams. Please support her, it costs less than a coffee at Starbucks! Below I will include all the links, website, etc. so you can get her Ebook:

Kindle Link:
    Momyhood: The Ugly Truth Mommyhood: The Ugly Truth is based on the blood, sweat and tears that go into being a mom. A humorous series that provides honesty on parenting, the author used actual blood, sweat, and tears to share her stories in the hopes that other mothers have a laugh, re...

  • Nook Link:

    Available in:NOOK Book (eBook). Momyhood: The Ugly TruthMommyhood: The Ugly Truth is based on the blood, sweat and tears that go into being a mom. A humorous series that provides honesty on parenting, the author used actual blood,

  • Shannon Harrigan

  • 9 hours ago
    Shannon Harrigan
    • Born Shannon Faraone, she was raised in the Bay Area of California and still resides in the area. She was married to her husband in December of 2006. Together they have two sons. Their first born, David, was born in October of 2008 and named after Shannon's Dad. Their second, Anthony, was born in August of 2011 and was named after Shannon's Papa who sadly passed away a month later. Shannon has written guest columns for the Hollister Freelance, has been featured on several blogs, and is now pursuing her dream of becoming a published author.
      Page: ‎85 like this.
  • Crafternoons! Part 1

    OKay, my bloggy needs something nice and light!!!

    Like the rest of the female population, I am now madly in love with If you are not on there, you need to be, like, right now.

    Thanks to pinterest, I have found an abundance of ideas for crafts. I am normally not crafty and usually rely on people to spark ideas.

    Thanks to pinterest, at least 2 days a week I have what I like to call "crafternoons" (thanks to the adorable Zooey Deschanel for coming up with the term) where I spend the afternoon doing a fun craft. SO far here is one of my favorite and easiest crafts, the t shirt scarf!!!

    T Shirt scarves. Easy peasy to do. Pics below to see how to do it:
     1. Start with an old t shirt
     2. Cut all the way across, under the arm pit

    3. cut strips up the shirt. Longish ones are the best. Go up midway


    Wednesday, November 16, 2011

    Update on "losing it"

    First off, thanks to my peeps who have reached out through FB, emails and texts and shedding some light on this "hair-gate" issue.

    Last week I went to the doc and told her my plight. Long story...she checked me out, immediately sent a referral to the dermatologist (super hard to do in Kaiser world apparently), and she ordered the biggest blood work up ever.

    Cut to two days my blood work done.

    Cut to 4 days later...appt with the derm.

    I told her my story and she asked me a ton of questions. She pulled up my bloodwork and everything was FINE. Yep, nothing strange, crazy, or out of the ordinary. My thyroid levels were excellent. While that was great, it was a bit frustrating because at least if my thyroid was out of whack, at least we would know that was the cause.

    She then played with my hair, examined my scalp, had an assistant take lots of pics of my scalp. Then she asked if I wanted for her to do a scalp biopsy. Of course I said yes, let's find a solution already!

    Then, I see her taking out sharp scissors, needles and such.


    She puts a shot in my head (which shockingly, didn't hurt that bad!) and numbed me up pretty good. Then, using her tools (I chose to not look, LOL) she cut out a small chunk  of my scalp to be examined.

    It will take 10 days for it to get back from the lab and we go from there.

    Let's hope we find a solution and put an end to it!

    Monday, November 7, 2011

    losing it....

    So this is another serious post :(

    I don't like writing serious posts, I like to keep things nice and light, but I feel like I need to post, because I really need to get insight if anyone else is dealing with this.

    Back story:

    I have been blessed with lucious locks. Super thick, black hair. My hair would really take over my head, because it was so thick.

    But in the last year, I have been dealing with major hair loss.

    I have been losing lots and lots of hair, to the point where its thinning so much on top.  I notice it a lot when I am in the shower. I chopped off my hair to see if it would help, and it hasn't changed anything.
    Its gotten bad to where I put it up, you can see streaks of my scalp.

    I have tried to remain calm, but I am freaking the hell out. Now, I realize people are dealing cancer, tumors and AIDS, and that this isn't life threating. It truly, could be worse.

    I get that. But this isn't normal either.

    Some changes I have done:
    - not styling my hair as much, barely ever blow drying my hair.
    -Taking hair vitamins and a mult-vitamin
    -trying, as much as humanly possible, to not to be stress case/worry wart

    Tomorrow, I have a doctor's appointment. Ladies please, if you have dealt with this, please give me some advice.

    Wednesday, November 2, 2011

    rose colored glasses

    Random. 'Nuff said. Just go with it. It will make sense.

    One of the things I love as a teacher, is how a lot of my kids are so innocent and look at life with rose colored glasses. Case in point from my life:

    As a little girl, I absolutely loved Judy Garland in the Wizard of Oz. I was  little when I saw the movie (five to be exact) and thought at the time, she was really Dorothy, and not Judy, LOL!

    I loved how she was so sweet, how she rocked her dress and red slippers, and her adorable dog. She was awesome.

    As a I got a little older, I clearly and obviously learned she wasn't really Dorothy, HAHA. However, I really thought she was like her Dorothy character in real life, darling and sweet, unassuming and most of all innocent. That she led this absolutely charming life, with a pup in tow.

    However when I was in high school, I read her actual bio and I came to learn that while she is hailed as the top 10 actresses of all time in Hollywood, she suffered many personal tragedies, failed marriages, a forced abortion (so she could keep working, thanks to her mama), was placed in a sanitarium,  had horribly low self esteem, tried to commit suicide, and eventually died of a drug overdose.

    I remember feeling like the "glasses" came off and I saw her for who she truly was, and it made me sad. As we get older and transition into being an adults (some earlier than others), we learn the hard realities of life and that things are not always as they seem, and honestly, that is depressing.

     I sometimes yearn to be 5 again and believe everything is perfect and all is right with the world.

    While I for sure can't complain about my life and am grateful for all that God has given me, it would be nice to be a kid again.

    Wednesday, October 26, 2011

    Um, amazing!

    SO, like the rest of the female population, I am now on pintrest.

    Someday, hub and I are hoping to move to another house.

    I have officially decided I want my kitchen to look like this:

    As one can probably tell, I love love love all things shabby chic and feminine. I may not get it exactly like this, but mark my words, it will pretty damn close!

    Oh, and one more...I want my dining room to look like this. So not realistic if I dare to have children one day, but one can dream, right?!?!

    Wednesday, October 19, 2011

    Showing grace to the idiot....

    The other day, I was at my mom's house and I was trying to find an old book in one of my old closets when I unearthed a plethora of old notes written to me and some I had written to my friends when I was in junior high.
    I had a laugh because the stupid drama and angst was just too funny. But that is a another post.

    One of the notes was written while I was in Mr. Amutan's spanish class, when I was junior brought back a sad, embarrasing story.

    It was spring of 1997. Junior high was a major low point in my little life, thanks to the bullying that was taking place. Things were finally starting to shape up, but I was trying, painfully trying, to fit in so badly.

    Spanish class with Mr. Amutan was starting.  Mr. Amutan was a nice guy. However he was also sarcastic, and was sometimes mean sarcastic. I remember I was having a bad day. So during class, I guess I wasn't paying attention. He calls me, I dumbly look at him, and he starts hounding on me. I guess I had enough because I stood up and said "F--- you Mr. Amutan!".

    The whole class, including him gasps.

    I stand there, frozen, realizing what I had done.

    He points towards the door, while staring at me, and says in a deadly voice

    "OUT. NOW."

    I was still stupid though. As I walked out the class clapped and cheered for me and I even got some high fives. It puffed me up, as I so badly wanted acceptance. That feeling only lasted 10 seconds.

    I stood outside, realizing what stupid, mean, and rude thing I had done. I have never ever cussed at teacher; if anything, I was the "good kid", always respectful. I was afraid my parents would murder me if they found out. I was planning my funeral as Mr. Amutan came out.

    He must have realized I was shaking and my face was white, and remembered my track record as the "good kid" because he said "Why did you do it" in a voice that killed me. I shakily said, "I don't know, I am so sorry".

    At that moment, that man showed me kindness, grace and mercy because all he said was "Please don't ever, ever do that again. It was so disrespectful and I expected better of you"

    I thought I would die.

     4 years later, as a senior in high school, I worked at a tutoring center called Score. The door opens and Mr. Amutan walks through the door with his lovely wife and young daughter. I thought I would die. I felt so embarrassed and ashamed. This man was human and had a family and I told him to "F off. Even though it had been a few years, I felt horrible.

    We have a perfectly fine conversation and he sees I am clearly more matured and grown up.

    It makes me realize as a teacher, I need to make sure I am showing grace like him, to my students everyday.

    Thank you Mr. Amutan, for showing the idiot some grace.

    And I am still sorry.

    Me in 1997. Yikes.

    Thursday, September 22, 2011

    Happy birthday mama!!!!

    Happy birthday to the most amazing lady in the whole wide world.  I love you mom. You are a tremendous blessing to our family, and you are the rock of the family. Us kids love you so much and don't know what we would do without you. You are truly one of a kind. I love you mama. 

    Monday, September 19, 2011

    2 years....

    Working under the gun here...its almost midnight and our anniversary is almost over!!!

    Happy Anniversary to the most amazing man I know. You are my rock and my everything, and I am honored God chose me to be your Potter wife. I love you Shannon Potter

    September 19th, 2009

    September 19th, 2011

    I love you Shannon!!!!!

    Tuesday, September 13, 2011

    lovey dovey crap

    I hestiate with this blog because I know it will make some gag (HAHA). Two years of wedded bliss is near upon us. I have really loved every minute as a Potter's wife, no joke. Hub and I have been together in total for 5 years now, and I know for some relationships, that is just a blip on their relationship life. I thought it would be neat to show some picsees from each phase of our relationship, all 5 years of togetherness. So, without further we go!
    Early in our relationship, November of 2006...I feel we look like babies! How corny am I?!?!

     Fall of 2007, I love my handsome guy!!!

    July 6, 2008!!! We JUST got engaged!!!

    Our amazingly fabulous wedding day, September 19th 2009!!!! Best day ever!!!!

    My gorgeous hub and I, fall of 2010, I love love love this picture!!!

    Vegas 2011!!! I say we have gotten better with age =)

    Looking forward to many, many more years with my amazing man!!!!!

    Wednesday, September 7, 2011

    THE UNVEILING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




    I am in love love love with my hair. Kalah Westlynn rocks (please go get your hairs did by her, she is UH-MAZING!!!) Here is the salon's website where she works:

    I  feel like a brand new girl! It is sort of sad though, since I have had long hair for nearly 4 years. However for health reasons and just for a change, it had to be done. And not to worry, my locks won't be a complete waste. I have decided to donate to Locks of Love, to see what they  can do with my  hair. Okay okay, enough chatter. Here are some pics documenting the "experience":
    AHHHH!! Getting it whacked!!

    No turning back!!

    Haha! My crazy hair!!

    Very happy!!!

    Thursday, September 1, 2011

    A hairy situation

    Its been almost 4 years, and I now have crazy, long and sometimes wild long hair that is now pretty much reaching my butt:

    I grew it out when I got engaged and besides little trims, I have not gotten it cut since July of 08'

    I have loved my beautiful long hair except for:
    1. Its hard to manage (hence the pic, LOL)

    2. Its not healthy hair (thanks split ends)

    3. Due to my stress (thanks lack of job!) and sometimes anxiety, I am losing a lot of my hair =( (AWFUL!)

    So....I am being crazy, but I think I am going to chop my hair off. No seriously, chop it off, like I'm going to have short hair!
    I'm scared of the unknown, I love having Tangled-esque locks but I think it needs to be done. My hair will look and feel better, and maybe I won't lose so much of it. Plus, I have hub's blessing. (He LOVES long hair, BUT in all seriousness, he doesn't obvi care what I do with my hair)

    Okay, now for pics. Here is my top 3, which style should I do?

    Ok, maybe not this short (well, maybe!), but this style:

    So I like Gwynie's bob. I may add a pinch more layers but I'm liking the blunt look of it.

                        OR this one is "I'm a scaredy cat to chop my hair off"  not as short as the others


    Thursday, August 4, 2011

    Happy birthday hub.

    Happy Birthday to....

    The cutest...

    the most sweetest....
    the most genuine
    the most silliest

    the most motivated

    the most smartest

    the most handsome
    man I know!!!!

    Happy birthday my sweet hub. I hit the jackpot when I married you!! I love you so so so much and thank God for you every single day!!! You are an amazing husband!!!!

    I love you,
    your wifey

    Thursday, July 28, 2011

    The Potter Legacy

    Aww, look at these guys! They were just babies!!!!

    Now look how grown up they look!!!!!

    Well, it's an end of an era! 

    About 2 weeks ago, the last Harry Potter premiered and it was a sad day in my Potter world.

    Let's begin my journey...

    About 10 years ago (YIKES!!!!) I was a college freshman and just heard about Harry, thanks to the movie that was coming out. It was always popular, but really was starting to explode. I went to a private Christian University and there was some controversy with the movie. Many believed that it was the work of the devil, etc. etc. For me personally, I like to decide about things on my own, and NATURALLY, I read the books that were out in .2 seconds and saw the movie with my friend, Kristen Albright. When I realized people were make a big brouhaha over absolutely nothing, I had to laugh. The series is amazing!!!

    Throughout the years, I went to the bookstores late at night to get the books, I would go the midnight premieres, and I was the expert on all things Harry Potter. Heck, I married a Potter, I was that devoted, HAHA. I always joke with my husband that his last name was the reason I married him (obvi it wasn't, lol!).

    The series was written beautifully and so many have fallen in love with it and it made a huge fan out me. I look forward to passing down the books and movies to my future little ones.

    Thank you Harry, it was a good run.

    Some fun pics from the midnight premiere:

    us with our pal Brad, patiently waiting in line!

    Harry Potter 3D glasses!!! Love love love!!!!

    Tuesday, July 19, 2011

    day trippin'

    Hub and I love to do day trips. We really try to go to places where we can take our dog child Zeus. We decided to go up to Angel's Camp and Columbia. We have been a few times, and we thought this time to take my mama. I am very fortunate that my mama and hub get along very well. She absolutely loves her son-in-laws and would probably get them away with murder, haha!

    When mom arrived, we packed a picnic lunch and made our way up. Angels Camp was definitely fun, and I did some antique shopping (well, didn't buy anything). We then took my mom up to Columbia. It was so fun. The weather was beautiful. Columbia, is a fun Gold Rush town and has so much history. It was a blast! We also got a lot of compliments on Zeus, and I was definitely a proud mommy. Here are some fun pics of our day:

    how cute was this sign?!?! Would love it for my kitchen!

    haha, my favorite people in jail, LOL

    How darling is this pic?? Daddy explaining to Zeus, who is clearly paying attention, lol!

    love these guys!!!

    my beautiful mother and I, I love her so much!!!

    my handsome boys!!

    old school house, it was so fun to see!

    the inside of the old school house, how cute, but not practical!

    a pic of Columbia, which I edited to make it look "old" LOL

    Another shot

    The Potter Family =)


    My poor pup, he was so pooped!!!