Sunday, March 24, 2013

Gimme some bloglovin'!

So, I heard that google reader is no longer going to be available come summer. I know this blog doesn't have cult following or anything, but to make things easier, come follow my blog at bloglovin!!!
Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Friday, March 15, 2013

Favorite Fridays: workout edition

Its another Favorite Friday post!

This time, its actually not about anything beauty! As many of you know, I have been trying to make a lifestyle change with eating and working out. It definitely hasn't been easy, but I am trying to keep going.

There are times where I am too lazy to go to the gym and would rather snuggle up on the couch. To prevent myself from doing that, I have found some good videos to help when I'm struggling to go to the gym. These videos are nice and quick, but man, they aren't easy. The youtube channel is called "fit sugar" and it has TONS of videos that are awesome. Here are my top 2 favorites:

                         This video is how to get "Madonna" like arms. This video is a mere ten minutes, but holy moly it is hard!!!

This next video focuses on your legs. It is very painful but it hurts so good! Again, only 10 minutes! Love!

  I'm trying to make an effort to always go to the gym, but for times that I am too lazy/not able to, these videos are perfect!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Hello to my faithful 3 readers....

I am a lover of pinterest and my mind was truly blown when I found a pin to create your own nail polish. LOVE.

Do you have tons of eyeshadow that you don't use anymore? I do, I unfortunately have a lot of them.

This pin is probably the easiest, no brainer pin in the world. Here we go...

1. First, I picked up 3 bottles of clear nail polish (one isn't shown). I bought Sally Hansen's. 

                   This is one of my old eyeshadows, Benefit's Lust Duster in Moon doggie. Not a bad color, but I hardly wear it...
                                         2. Then, make a funnel out of paper....

              3. Next, scoop or pour your nail polish into the funnel. I had to scoop mine out...
            For whatever reason, I didn't take a pic of the benefit color, but here is a pic of another color I used. Next, stir (well) your eyeshadow in the polish. It will start chunky but it will smooth out after some stirring. You could also put some BBs and that could help mix it too.

4. Lastly, keep stirring and/or add more color if you want. Keep stirring. After awhile, you are done! Here is my finished product. I love it!

Hands down the easiest pin in the world! Have fun!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Favorite Fridays: Purity

To my faithful 3 readers,

It's another Favorite Fridays post!!!

This post is dedicated to my favorite face wash, Philosophy's Purity cleanser.

DISCLAIMER...before you tune out (because its another beauty post), I promise it won't all be on beauty products. I just happen to really, really love this.  I bought it at Costco in a 2 pack for $24. It's normally $19 for 6 ounces.

This is seriously the best stuff ever. My skin has been crazy in the last few years. Super dry, accompanied with some redness and the "hi I'm 14 years old again" breakouts.


This stuff is is gentle on my skin while making my face feel, well, pure, lol!!!
It's not cheap face wash so when I run out it will be a sad day. However, I would scour online to see if you could get it cheaper. I highy recommend it!

Have a great weekend!