Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Holidays with a toddler: A quick Thanksgiving recap

Yep, recapping Thanksgiving WEEKS after it happened. Yep, it is what it is! October-December are my absolute favorite months of the year. The holidays are like magic to me, and now that  Rowan is older, I can't wait to pass on our traditions and see her joy for the holidays.

I also wanted to recap this holiday, because it was worlds different compared to last year. As some of you remember, Rowan got very, very sick and ended up in the ER. She was struggling to breathe, I thought she was going to die, an all around nightmare! This is where we met her best friend, the nebulizer, which we still use to this day. We also learned that day that for the rest of the year, every time she would get a cold it would turn to bronchiolitis, which can turn very scary. All around that Thanksgiving sucked royally!

I was looking forward to a stress and drama free holiday and thankfully I got it! While Rowan did end up getting a cold after, it was still a great holiday! We spent Thanksgiving with my sister and her in law family, and they are like family to us! My sister and brother in law started dating at 15, so we have basically become a huge family because of it! It was fun to celebrate with them!  I was put in charge of stuffing, and thankfully it turned out great! I made it from scratch!

Our morning started off with breakfast with the girl. She then went down for her morning nap. Usually I am scrambling to do chores but instead, we got back into bed, hubby slept while I watched the Thanksgiving parade drinking coffee. IT. WAS. GLORIOUS:

After girl baby woke up, we continued to lounge around and slowly got ourselves ready. I LOVED Rowan's outfit (yes, the vest isn't super practical) and I had to do a mini shoot:

We gathered at my sister's, and ate to our hearts content!

::Quick disclaimer:: I am not including too many pictures of everyone, mainly because my blog is public and I want to respect the other moms and their kids' privacy. Unless you tell me otherwise, I NEVER show other kids' faces on my blog unless you give me permission. It bugs me how many bloggers just upload their friends' kids without permission! Okay disclaimer over::

Anyway, I was stoked for Rowan to try our Thanksgiving feast, and sure enough, she loved it! Especially the cranberry sauce! She also tried pumpkin and pecan pie, and LOVED it. Of course, she is a girl after my own heart!

                                                                                                        Thanksgiving was wonderful and relaxing. So much better than last year, that's for sure! We had/have a lot to be thankful for!
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Thursday, December 10, 2015

Happy 19 months Rowan!

Haha, this post is well over two weeks late! Like super crazy, embarrassing late! The lazy part of me just wanted to forgo it, EXCEPT I personally LOVE going back and reading through these posts! We don't officially have a physical baby  book for Rowan, but I use this blog as her virtual baby book. It would seem wrong to skip!

We had a HUGE month, as Rowan FINALLY started walking!As many of you know, it was a massive source of worry and stress for me. Nothing was ever medically wrong with her, she just felt like taking her sweet old time! More on this later, maybe a possible post...

Life with a toddler is worlds different than life with a baby. I miss her babyhood quite often, but I am also super loving this stage of her life.

Age:19 months, 17.5 months (adjusted age)

Weight and clothing size: 
Rowan is 29 pounds, but sadly is starting to thin out! I knew this day would come, I'm so sad!!!!! Moving up to size 5 diapers. Wearing size 3 clothing, size 4 in shoes.

Rowan now seems to like most foods. However, she is showing her true toddler colors because she may like something one day, then spit it out the next day, sigh. She is absolutely loving honey strawberry Greek yogurt, cuties, ground turkey as long as its seasoned. She absolutely loves her carbs and screams joyfully if she gets something sweet (we try to not give sugar often). Sigh, she is truly her mother's child! We try to stay away from apple products as it makes her have explosive poo :(

Rowan can:
-learned how to sign train and listen. If you ask her where "God is" she throws up her hands in the air, and makes opens her hands (like twinkle twinkle little star). The thing that throws me is that NO ONE in our family has taught her the sign. Its super weird in an awesome way!

-finally mastered walking, thank you Lord Jesus! It is still surreal to see her toddle around. I will admit I have gotten teary eyed a few times!

-Does hand motions to certain songs, for example the song  "Apple tree, Apple Tree". There are parts where the song says "I won't cry" and she pretends to cry. There's another part where it says "I won't shout" and she will throw up her hands and let out a tiny, squeaky yell. I literally die from the cuteness!

-She has a an elephant toy where you are supposed to match the shapes with the color and put them in. She is getting pretty good at matching!

-starting to say auntie  and Ben (my brother in law). Its super funny!

Rowan loves:

-Rowan is straight obsessed with her elephant shape sorter. She loves it so much and is getting good at where the shapes go! It is also a great toy for learning colors!

-Rowan loves any toy that lights up and plays music! She constantly will turn on her music toys, which is fun for her, and kind of repetitive for us! 

-Todd Parr books.
Omg, I might be in love with them too. Todd Parr makes super colorful, bright books for kids with powerful messages. I love them as she clearly does too. Our favorites are The Okay Book and The Feelings Book. Rowan is already such a lover of books, which makes this mama heart so happy!

Rowan doesn't like
 Ha, at this point, if you redirect her or take something away, plan on a fit. Luckily they don't last too long  (we distract her) but holy smokes. I truly and sincerely hate tantrums, so I am learning myself to remain calm and patient. I know it only gets more crazy as she gets older :(

 Sleeping schedule:
Sleep has gotten back on track thank GOD! Rowan is still taking 2 naps, but she is slowly starting to drop the afternoon one. I am kinda sad! However, she has been a decent sleeper, so I will not complain!

 New happenings this month:
 We had a fantastic Halloween where Rowan was an Ewok! Her costume was a DIY project and she looked DARLING! I dressed up as Princess Leia in her Endor costume, and Daddy did a very quick makeshift Hans Solo costume. She also super enjoyed trick or treating, believe it or not! For baby gymnastics, she dressed up as Boo! So fun! Besides Halloween it was a quiet month. This  post is obviously so late, so her 20 month post will be a lot more exciting with Thanksgiving and Christmas festivities!

My obligatory Rowan dump: