Thursday, July 4, 2013

Please be praying for our pup, he isn't doing well right now...

Happy 4th guys....

I hope everyone enjoys their tiime with family and friends. I am writing this because we could really, really use big time prayer for our boxer dog Zeus. I know for some people it seems absolutely silly to fuss over an animal but if anyone knows us, Zeus is truly like a child to us. He is our world.

About a few weeks ago, Zeus was having hard time peeing. It was very strange. We took him to the vet, did tests and everything. Nothing unsual. The doctor thought maybe he was need to be neutered. About a day or so later, he starts peeing normally and life resumes as normal.

After we get back from Disneyland on Father's Day, we noticed about 2 days later he is having a hard time again. This time his vet insists on a neuter (because it was due to his large prostate, which puts pressure on him being able to pee). We agree and set it up right away.

His surgery was over a week ago. BY now, he should have been able to pee just fine. However,things got worse and he was having a tough time peeing . He would keep us up at all hours of the night trying to go to the bathroom. We were daily taking him in to get his bladder drained. we got an x-ray done, but nothing really seemed ut of the ordinary. Based off of reasearch, what we did was correct, and to fix his problem, it would simply take time for his prostate to go down. In the last three days it got even worse. No energy, can't pee, was throwing up and on Tuesday, refused to eat.

Yesterday we rushed him to the pet hospital, which those vets are very amazing and did a fabulous job when Zeus needed his knee replacement. Turns out from the blood work his liver and kidney levels were sky high and he was in renal failure. That means that his kidneys aren't flushing out what is currently inside him. This is dangerous because in a short time, he would be dead because of toxins in his body. They are currently keeping him for 4 days, hooked on an IV and flushing everything out. They don't think it is an enlarged prostate anymore, and they are running a million tests to see what the issue is.

By the grace of God, we had just enough in our savings to pay for this very costly pet bill. We are praying that the bill doesn't continue to go higher and what they are doing will be enough to figure out what the problem is. We are very, very scared and beyond overwhelmed and stressed. We are very sleep deprived (literally every night since the surgery we average 1-3 hours worth of sleep) and emotionally drained. We have these specific requests:

-That Zeus will be able to pull through, and whatever they are doing will be enough to heal him
-To give doctors wisdom in knowing what to do
-if need be, may God provide resources or ways for us to be able to figure out a way to pay for his bills, should they increase.
-that as doggy parents we will have wisdom to know what to do.

I know to some, this may seem silly. However, this dog means the world to us. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Workout schmorkout

Back a few months ago, I had a "come to Jesus" moment in regards to trying to lose weight. If you don't remember that post, here it is: If I'm really being honest

Well, we are super well into summer. In my mind, I would have by now been in the best shape of my life, rocking a tiny bikini. Well, that didn't happen.

If anything, my body ain't lookin' too cute. Especially in the last 2 weeks, I haven't been to the gym. The week before that, I walked at least 5-6 miles daily in Disneyland, but ate like 1 million calories too.


I'm having another "come to Jesus" moment....I need to reboot, and ASAP.

On pinterest, my friend Jessica posted a "shape up plan" by the beautiful Lauren Conrad.

Now, for me, I need to be real about this. I see my some of my peeps eating 1,000 calories a day (if this is you, STOP IT. Its not healthy, technically, that's dangerous. Guaranteed any doctor will tell you this!) or drinking only smoothies all day err day for their meals, etc. etc. The thing we have to realize, are you willing to do this for the rest of your life to maintain? For me, hail nah! I can't live like that, I am pretty sure most don't want to either.

I need a plan that is real, sensible and easy to follow. I have read through Lauren's plan and I pretty much think its fabulous. If you need a jump start that doesn't require giving up your firstborn, here ya go.

Lauren's Get Fit Quick Plan

Your welcome.