Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Adventures in Ireland

Shannon and I were very fortunate to embark on two honeymoons. Our first one, we went to Vegas. We left the day after the wedding. It was a blast, Sin City is always a fun time to get away and be silly. We came back three days later, were home for barely a week and a half, and then we were getting on the plane to head to a 13 day adventure in Ireland.

Many ask, "Why Ireland?" Well, Shannon and I have always wanted to go. I have always wanted to venture to that part of the world, and Ireland was one of the countries on my "bucket list" that I wanted to go to (next up on the list: Italy, France, Greece, England and Scotland, lol!!!). Also, as you can probably tell by my husband's name, Shannon is Irish and Scottish (also American Indian, phew!) and it had been a life long dream of his to visit at least one of those countries.

Shannon and I decided to do a tour, since we had no clue about anything over there and we wanted everything to be planned and done upfront. We flew to New Joisy (lol) and from there, flew to Dublin. I must say, we didn't sleep for 24 hours. One, due to a poor baby who was miserable on the airplane, and two, we were just TOO excited.

We arrived in Dublin and met with our group at the airport. I realized the majority of our group were elderly people. Since we never been on a tour, we didn't realize this :). I remember feeling "Oh dear...". I of course have NOTHING against older people of course, but we didn't know how the group dynamic would be. I feel almost ashamed for having that thought, because I LOVED our group. Everyone was so kind, endearing, loving and were thrilled that we were newlyweds. Throughout our trip, some other married couples that were married 50+ years gave us a lot of wedding advice. Too sweet!! There was actually another honeymooning couple our age and a girl our age there as well, which was also super fun. Our tour guide Mick was fantastic and we made a friend in him as well. He is a true Irishmen and he loves his country dearly. We left our honeymoon feeling fully informed on our new favorite country.
Well, I won't bore you with all the nitty gritty details but we started in Dublin and ended back in Dublin. In 13 days we traveled the ENTIRE coastline of Ireland, stopping in at so many cities. people ask: "Is it really that green over there like in the movies?" "In the pubs do people slosh their pints around with their arms around each other and sing pub songs?" "Are the irish people extremely hospitable?" and the answers to that are all YES YES YES!! Our trip was amazing and everything about Ireland you see in pictures and in the movies, it is really like that. I will never forget this trip. It was the most fabulous thing Ihave done (besides the wedding of course) and it was a honor to partake in a beautiful culture and be able to see a new part of the world. SOOOOO AWESOME!!!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Wedding Day

Some girls dream of their wedding day since they could walk and talk and yep that was me. I laugh at some of the ideas I came up with as a young girl, because one, it was probably something crazy and unrealistic and two, the wedding dresses I imagined as a girl are now BUTT UGLY, lol (gotta love the eighties!!)!
September 19th was truly a magical day. Some may disagree (lol), but I don't think I was super bridezilla-ish. I tried to remain as calm as humanly possible. I am proud to say I planned everything, and I do mean everything all by myself. Sure, I had my amazing family and fiance helping me out but I was the mastermind behind it all. I am pretty darn proud I acutally pulled something off!
I must give a shout out through, to my amazing wedding crew of family and friends. Everyone was SUPER helpful and supportive the day of the wedding and were BEYOND helpful and it was flawless.
Our wedding was gorgeous and sunny (a bit hot I might add). From my point of view, nothing really went wrong. I felt like a true princess and one of my favorite moments was seeing my husband fo the first time, as we did see each other before the ceremony. It was AWESOME. I have been told numerous times that our ceremony was very emotional and it was. I think all of the bridal party, guests, us, and our pastor were all crying at some point. First the girls and I walked down to some beautiful music from the movie, Braveheart. The music is so powerful and super pretty.
We did a candle lighting to honor my father and his parents (both deceased due to cancer) and that right there was crazy hard. I am honored my brother in law was able to walk me down. My Dad would have been very happy and I could feel his presence the whole time. Shannon and I also did our own vows, it was amazing but we both cried our way through it. It was truly surreal.
Our reception was a blast too. We were introduced by walking into the main "Star Wars" theme. Anyone who knows my hubby knows Shannon is OBSESSED with Star Wars. We also walked under a tunnel of light sabers, held up by the bridal party. The reception was beautiful and fun and we basically danced the night away.
overall, what a day. I am grateful and blessed for our big day and thankful for our family and friends. 6 months later, I still am on cloud 9 and couldn't be happier

Friday, March 19, 2010

Because everyone has one!!


I am following what seems like the growing trend...I am starting my own blog. I have read so many other people's blogs and I feel like its a great way to see how people are doing.

On September 19th, 2009 I began to embark on a journey called marriage. I married a man who truly God has designed for me and he is exceptionally wonderful and VERY good looking I might add, lol! So far today is our 6th month anniversary. At times, it hasn't been easy (money is a bit tight-ish and it doesn't help we both got pink slippped) but at the end of the day we love each other tremendously and couldn't be happier. Isn't that what counts anyway? ANywho, I love being a wife. Its amazing because I always remeber thinking as I was growing up, "ugh, I would have to cook, clean and run a house?" but I actually LOVE it. It also helps that I have also married the most helpful husband in the world. I must say I am pretty darn lucky. Well, enjoy the blog...I will warn you it may be random and silly, but I am just a newly-wed wife trying to figure it all out.