Sunday, June 19, 2011

A picture tribute

So today is Father's Day. Not an easy day for my family and I, as we miss our precious Daddy everyday. I decided for this blog to put up a some pictures of my amazing Dad. I love looking at pictures of him, because it brings back the best memories!!! Dad was truly an amazing, fantastic father who was a goofball but had the biggest heart. I was very, very blessed to have him for 22 years of my life. He is greatly missed and we love him so much. Happy Father's Day, Daddy!!!!

Hands down, one of my most favorite pics of my dad
Love this one of us =), my stroller cracks me up!

Daddy working hard in his lab =)

Daddy with his grandson, Samuel. They loved each other so much!!

Daddy and I, just hanging out =)

Daddy and I at my college graduation, so happy he was able to see that!!!!

Thursday, June 16, 2011


So...if you don't know me well, you should know that I have very silly, strange and random sense of humor. My friends and I have tendency to laugh at the stupidest, most random things. This video on the bottom is an example of that. I forgot who showed me this, but it seriously the most funniest video ever. Take a look, have an open mind, and laugh away....

Friday, June 10, 2011


Decoupage-The decoration of the surface of an object with paper cut-outs

A pretty fancy word for basically making collages!

The Potter's wife has been feeling quite crafty lately. I'm so loving being on vacay so I can hone my skills. I have been making jewelry (yes, I am still planning on doing an Etsy shop. I am just trying to stockpile so I have a variety) but I came across this fantastic idea:
Basically, you take a wooden letter, get this fantastic glue substance called "mod podge", and decorate how you want. I bought some scrapbooking paper, traced the letter "P" (for Potter obviously) and cut it out. I then mod podged the wooden letter, then put some on the back of the paper and then basically glued it down. Here is the result:

I felt a little shaky ( not a naturally crafty) doing it but I am sure as time goes on I'll feel more comfortable with it. I planning on making another small "p" and grouping them together on the wall. We'll see how it goes =).