Friday, May 10, 2013

the burnout...

To my faithful 3 readers....

Today should have been a "Favorite Fridays" post and I haven't done one in over 2 weeks.

The reason? I'm just burned out.

Thanks to the end of the year being so nuts and frickin' house hunting. It could straight up be a full time job on its own.

I try not to talk too much about house hunting. I have told by some that I am too transparent in sharing a lot of my life on facebook and  the blog. So, I try not divulge too much.

However, I will say house hunting is NOT the business. We have been house hunting since Thanksgiving and we still have nothing. Everyone in their mom is buying, and there is practically nothing in regards to inventory.

People will foam at the mouth and drop (no joke) 100k on a piece of crap house, just to get a house. I can't even begin to explain how many f'n times we have been outbid (like 40 offers on one house), especially by investors (whom I'm starting to hate with a fiery passion).

These last 2 weeks have been especially hard. There has been so much going on beyond house hunting and work that has had me feeling so overwhelmed. I try to remember having faith in God is having faith in his timing. This whole experience essentially has been 4 years in the making.  So, I will continue to pray and pray that in some way, we get into a house.

To end on a happier note, have a great weekend friends!!!