Friday, April 1, 2016

Happy 23 months Rowan!!!

Say it ain't so!! 23 months!??!?!? I am in HUGE denial she will be two so soon! I just can't deal!!! We had another fun, sometimes crazy month with our precious girl!!!

Age: 23 months, (21.5 months adjusted age).

Weight and clothing size: 
Rowan is now officially 32  pounds! She's quite solid and quickly gets heavy after a few minutes lol! Wearing all 3T clothing, even 4t depending on the brand. Size 5 diapers, shoe size is inching towards 5.5

Mealtime is kinda getting better. She has been sick a portion of this month, so her appetite has been out. However, she has been enjoying eating black, white and pinto beans, loves homemade chicken noodle soup and loves string cheese. I have been introducing organic tofu in her meals too which she seems to enjoy. At Disneyland, she got her first taste of cotton candy and OBVIOUSLY loved it (bad mama LOL)

Rowan can:

-legitimately say and recognize the letters e, t, o, and u! I'm so proud!

-in addition to her previous words, she now says "neigh neigh" for horses, "uhhhhhh ohhhhhhh", "Gah" for God,  "Dizzy" for Daisy, "Bahbee" for Abby (LOL), "Nam" for Sam, "bahbules" for bubbles. 

-can sometimes not be a good listener 😂 but can follow directions if she is told.
-can recognize blue, yellow and red

-loves to put together her alphabet puzzles. Doesn't always match the letters but she's learning lol!

Rowan loves:

- to play with stickers! More like obsessed! 

-loves to sing songs and is getting good at "trying" to sing them. 

-loves to play and drink out of the hose lol! 

-loves to take off her shoes in public (mommy doesn't love this lol!)

-loves to play with refrigerator magnets. Of course we are careful but man she loves it! 

Rowan doesn't like

-when you take her paci away. We are going to stop pacis this summer and I'm honestly scared lol! It's going to be a rough summer! 

-doesn't like being woken up for school. I feel so bad but we have to! She hates it! I'm appreciative sis likes her sleep!

-hates kidney beans. We tried them and she makes the craziest faces!

-fireworks. Oh boy she had a love/hate relationship with them when we were in Disneyland!!

 Sleeping schedule:
Sleep was legit nuts this past month! She sadly got croup. For off an on for 3 weeks, she was sleeping like a newborn thanks to her cough! It was awful, exhausting and kinda scary at times. We are using the nebulizer 2x a day now!

 New happenings this month:

-we celebrated Easter with our precious girl! We  didn't actually sit through the service, because I doing Sunday school with the three-year-olds. Rowan had a hard time with her nursery so she ended up being with me LOL! We spent the afternoon with family and it was such a lovely time! It was a wonderful way to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ!

-We did a full week in Disneyland! I know I know, but we have annual passes we have to use them! It was so much fun! It was another fantastic trip and the weather was simply beautiful! It actually wasn't hot! It was a lovely time and I had a hard time coming home!

-as mentioned earlier, Rowan got croup.  First I thought it was regular old bronchiolitis. We were doing our normal routine with her with the nebulizer. However she wasn't getting better, and she actually got super, super sick. I've never seen her that sick since her first Thanksgiving in the ER. It was really scary! We ended up taking her to urgent care. She got a different type of steroid that thankfully calmed down her cough but man it was nuts! We have had to miss so much church and baby gymnastics because of it 😭.

We are just in shock and awe she will be two so soon! 

Obligatory Rowan dump: