Sunday, February 27, 2011

I heart Jessica

Yesterday, my gorgeous mother came to visit me. I love it. She is fabulous and I love spending time with her!

We went to Dillard's because she had a gift certificate and usually around this time, they have crazy deals, where cheapie me goes bananas. She asked if we could head over to the shoes department and I definitely didn't argue. They had a crazy sale going on (I think it ended today, sorry) where their clearance had an extra 40% off. YES.

As I looked through the racks, I found these fun beauties:

They are Jessica Simpson and were on sale for $26 (AHHHHHHH) with an EXTRA 40% off.
Holy crap.

Let me tell you of my love for all heels. I think now I own about 30 pairs, maybe more if I keep digging in my closet. Stilletos, stacked heels, platforms, wedges, you name it I have it all. I consider 3 inches to be short, a decent portion of the my heels are 4 -5 inches. My brother in law Ben jokes "find the ugliest or craziest high heel and Karla will love it". Yeah, he is pretty much right.

Now back to these shoes. I showed my mom and the look on her face was like I showed her a dead rat. "Ay Karla no! Put those away!"
I reverted back to being six again and whined"But mom, the price, its amazing, I love the heel!"
My mom gave me a look that said "put them away".
I turned over the shoe and saw my worst nightmare.


Being the naughty daughter and not listening, I run over to the saleslady who breaks my heart further and says its their only size. Okay, I listen to Mama and put them away. BOO.

However, I think I am love with Jessica Simpson shoes, despite I am too cheap to buy them. Here are my faves so far:

Sigh.....I am in love

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Q of C dealie: jeans, glorious jeans!!

So I have been doing a terrible job blogging. Work has been extra crazy, but I am here!

I debated whether to post this because I am not sure that all places would have this same dealie, but oh well, it might benefit at least someone!

I like to consider myself a jean connoisseur. I own way too many pairs of jeans to count. I have a huge variety of brands, from unknown thrift store finds to what I like to call "fancy girl jeans" (the kind where people blow $200, well not me, thanks Crossroads =P). However, the pair that I am always drawn to are my Target bootcuts. They fit well, have a great jean color, and are slightly worn to make them just right. I heart them.

Well, this cheapie went to target and of course, I made a beeline for the clearance. I always love to peruse the 75% off racks. Most of the time, it can be touch and go, but its worth a look. Anyway, I noticed there were two big racks that had a crapload of jeans with the 75% sign. Like a moth to a flame, I pretty much ran to it. They had so many jeans, glorious jeans, ALL sizes, for $4.98 a pop. Yup, $4.98. I thankfully found my sizes and scooped up two pairs (I'm amazed at my self control).

Ahhh it was awesome. Now, I don't know if ALL Targets have this dealie, but in my prior experience, I have seen similarities in their clearances in other stories. So, esp. if you are a Lodi/Stockton peep, go to the one off of 8 mile.

Its worth taking a look, and besides, I know most of y'all heart Target anyway.
DOn't yell at me if your Target doesn't have it, lol!!But, heed my warning. like every good dealie, things run out fast, so you best be going NOW. Have fun!

Lovin' the price tag!

Pair numer uno, so comfy!

Pair numero dos, love this color!!!

Friday, February 11, 2011

If you like smashbox....another dealie!!!

One of my most favorite things in the world is makeup. I have fallen in love with brands like Smashbox, Bare Essentuals, Cargo, NARS, etc etc...

I have been a fan ever since the hub and I got engaged over 3 years ago as I wanted to have what I like to call " fancy girl"makeup for the wedding.

Even though this makeup is pure FAB it is expensive. And you know me, Queen of Cheap, I refuse to pay 60 bucks for powder (AHEM Smashbox!). So what is a girl to do?

Well, first, I share with you one of my favorite haunts, the Sephora in JC Penny's in Manteca. I have scored beyond killer deals on makeup thanks to their clearance, but I am sure a majority of you don't even live near Manteca, Ca so I have another solution. EBAY.

Wait, don't write me off yet, hear me out!! Yesterday, I logged into 10 minutes too late and they were selling Smashbox halo (reg $59) for 16 bucks. And of course, SOLD OUT. Angry I missed it, I thought for moment to check ebay. I used to avid ebayer but the bidding give me anxiety, LOL!! I still like to look though and thank goodness I did.

I typed in Smashbox and came up with listings. I wasn't in the mood to bid, so I looked for the "buy it now" products and suddenly an angel appeared. This lady named Laurie sells Smashbox, Urban Decay, Bare Essentuals, Tarte and many other brands for DIRT CHEAP and even better, a majority of her products are FREE SHIPPING and she has 100% positive reviews, and she has like, over 2,000 positive reviews. HOLY CRAP.

I found Bare Essentuals eyeshadows for 6 bucks (normally 16), smashbox trio eyeshadows (normally 28) for $6.99, Lip Fusion plump lipstick (normally 38) for $16.99 just to name a few. She has all different brands, lipsticks, face, eyes, brushes, etc!!

If you are a fan of these products, go NOW. Your welcome. Her store
If you aren't on ebay, its easy and free (from what I remember)

Enjoy all!!!!