Friday, April 29, 2011

I'm obsessed

Like the rest of the world, I watched the glorious and the so fabulous royal wedding. I was waiting for this day since I heard they got engaged. My biggest reason for watching?? Oh, here is my reason:


Isn't Kate fabulous and stunning?!?!?!?! I have been DYING to know who she would be wearing. And dear Pippa girl looked great too (I noticed my bloggy chopped her out of the pic), I so want her dress.

The wedding itself was so amazing. At the end of the day, it was truly and simply a gathering before God of two people committing themselves to each other and God.

But oh the pomp and circumstance! I could hardly stand it, it was so fabulous (yes, I am using this word a lot but its true!). And the hats!!! Yowza!!! This craze (I think) is slowly creeping to our side of the pond, but I love this look. When we honeymooned in Ireland, we happened to see a wedding take place and all the gals had the most amazing hats. While I loved so many of them (nice job Victoria Beckham!), I was not a fan of these guys, sorry:

Oh, I loved every tiny second of this wedding. My favorite pic of the whole day??? This one right here:

And no, its not because of Wills and Kate, check out their 3 year old bridesmaid on the bottom left corner.

Oh, I love this child. She has no clue the importance of what is going on. Love it.

Ahh....the wedding is over and they start their lives. I love these two because they genuinely seem like very nice people. I have this crazy dream that one day hub and I will journey to England, we will magically somehow bump into Wills and Kate, maybe grab a pint at a local pub with them, and then we will become BFFs....well a girl can dream right???

Friday, April 22, 2011

The laundry room battle

I sometimes think my marriage and life with my dear hubby could be a comedy show.

We always seem to find ourselves in silly scrapes, somehow mainly with our house.

This past Thursday afternoon, I came home, did some housework, changed into gym clothes and settled down to fold some laundry and watch old reruns The Hills. I started a load of laundry and accidentally left the laundry soap on the washer. No biggie. I was looking forward to a nice afternoon.

As the washer started to do the spin cycle, it shook so much it knocked off the laundry soap. No biggie, its done it before.

5 minutes later I go back to pick it up and something beyond horrible happened.



And basically, this was me:

I FREAKED the hell out. I loathe cleaning huge messes (I know, how will I be when I am a mom???) and I called my hub for help (he was at swim practice). It was literally covering every inch of the floor and went well under our water heater.


Obviously my hub couldn't come right away, and I was on my own. I put on my big girl panties, stopped freaking out and started to clean. It took forever. I got a good chunk of it done by the time hubby came , but we ran out of towels. Shannon came in and just laughed. I was so grateful for that because our plans were ruined for the evening. However, it did get kind of better since we skipped the gym, had chipotle, bought more cleaning supplies and more flowers to plant for later.

After coming back, we went to work cleaning everything. It worked out since we were our laundry room was a mess anyway. In the end, we laughed it off, as really, its not that big of a deal.

We now have a sparkly, clean laundry room. Good things can come from crazy disasters!!!!