Sunday, June 24, 2012

A pinterest répéter

OKay, so I tried to be fancy nancy with  my  blog title by using French. I probably jacked it up. LOL!

Okay, so you remember my previous post: ? Well, I fixed my "P" and I think I had some success. Here's my little journey:

                             1. One thing that I did different was I had hubs copy our marriage certificate and make it huge. That way, I had more paper to work with. And if you notice, the certificate has super cute, French-ish borders. I also pasted the certificate sideways.
                             2. I traced some different types of "P's"

                                     3. I didn't smooth the new one when I took it (did after and it looks better), but here is the new one, on the bottom. I like it much better than the original one above it.

I think this time it is a success!!!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Making my pin a reality...kind of a fail?

Like every woman in America,

I am IN LOVE with pinterest.

However, I pin and pin till the cows come home, yet I don't seem to follow through on any of my pins. Well, last night, I finally recreated something.

This is the original picture that I pinned. It says to make a copy of your marriage certificate, glue it on a wooden letter, and voila, it will look like this:

Now, there are some problems with this pin.Clearly, its misleading. First of all, its cutesy shabby chic (which isn't a problem) but marriage certificates aren't like that and also, if you look even closer, it looks store bought and the "certificate" is in French.

Hrumph. Not to be discouraged, I did it anyway. I figured, it would be something different.
Directions: basically, make a copy of your marriage certificate, trace your initial on the back of the certificate, decoupage it on a wooden letter, and BAM you are done.

It is seriously easy and it was. Midway through my project, I realized I was  forgetting to take pictures of the process, so I don't have many. This is my ONE pic:

 Some problems I ran into: My letter was quite large and my copy was too small. So, I made two copies and I fudged it to make it work.

Final Product:

I don't know that I love it. Personally, it looks weird. I was so bummed. I hung it up lopsided anyway and let it be. However, when hub got home and went into our room, He came out and said, "hey the letter looks awesome". I give him a look of disbelief. He responds with "no, really, I like it! Good job!"

Thanks babe, for the encouragement.  I'll keep it.

Monday, June 4, 2012

All quiet on the Western front...kind of

Wow, really? My last post was March 22nd? UGH.

To my faithful three readers who read this, I am not trying to ignore my blog, I just haven't had much time, EEK.

Well, some things have happened since good ol' March 22nd so let's recap:

1. WE. HAVE. JOBS. Amen, glory glory halleujah!!!! AND for the first time in almost 4 years, I actually know where I will be, well before school starts! That means I can actually enjoy my summer, set up and decorate my room in peace, and actually hit up the fun school supply sales! Thank you God!! And yes, I am learning that I am an idiot for stressing. Sorry God.

2.We are in the process of trying to start buying a house. Holy schmoly, it is cray cray!! We have been saving for a long time and are going to get pre-approved. We are DYING to become homeowners. I want this so bad. Praying that God will make this happen.

3. No baby and probably won't be happening anytime SUPER soon! Sorry folks. I really like it just my hubby and I for now. And besides, I am enjoying NOT having kids, a little too much I think. I do know that eventually, I need to get the show on the road, because well, I'm no spring chicken (hence, #4). I must say I am afraid to commit to the kid thing...okay this number is getting long, this may be another blog post, HAHA.
4.  I turned 29 on May 18th. Really? How did that happen? I still feel like I'm 16, LOL!!

5. We just had a fabulous vacay to Disneyland (so fun). In our time there, we visited the Warner Brothers Studio (HIGHLY recommend) and we visited a ton of touristy stops in Hollywood and Beverly Hills. FUN FUN FUN!!!

I think that is it for my recap. I need to stop negelcting this. Have a great day!!