Monday, October 18, 2010

Picky Shannon

Here is another random post...

My husband, hands down, is the pickiest eater in the world. Those who know and love him would say an amen to that. He hates everything. Really.

Besides the normal dislikes, such as fish, onions, etc, he doesn't like a huge majority of foods you and I love dearly. Also, if you make him meat, it might as well be burnt, as he can't stand anything with a twinge of pink. And to make him even more crazier, he doesn't like sweets. Yep, you heard me right. I will say however, out of all the delicious, tasty, amazing desserts, he would prefer to have a chocolate pie, you know, the kind of filling you buy as pudding in the box. Sheesh...

I must admit I was a nervous when I married my hubs, as I had a huge challenge ahead of me. People would jokingly give advice. However, I must say the wife has done good. For the exeception of one or two meals (HAHA) it gives me great joy to see my husband happily digging into his food and even loading up his plate for seconds. Today I made a healthy turkey meatloaf and I was nervous for his reaction. He loved it and loaded up his plate for more. I must say as I wife, I make myself proud =). Random post, I know, but it is the life of the Potter's wife =)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The wife has been a bit lazy....

So the Potter's wife has sucked with blogging, not sure why. I have lots of thoughts, but have been feeling a pinch lazy to blog it all.

This week means a new beginning, as I will be teaching kinder. I have realized I am so over with worrying over the school drama. Every year oodles of us teachers get "pink slipped" and yet every year, God has been so faithful and has ALWAYS provided. I am grateful that myself and so many other Lodi teachers got rehired. God is good. We will see how it turns out....

Hubs and I are now embarking on our second year of marriage. Again, God is good. So far, we have weathered many storms and we still come out on top. I love how he still makes me laugh whenI don't want to, is patient, understanding and overall, amazing. He is definitely easy on the eyes too ;0)

It has been a good year of marriage and I have learned so much, like don't hog the sheets, its okay if dishes are left in the sink by the end of the night, that its okay to call mom whenI need advice on a recipe, that there is perfectly acceptable to have oodles of decorations for each and every holiday (my house is "halloweened" out) and its perfectly fine to consider homegoods a second home, that my husband probably won't understand my love for things like sky high heels, Sex and the City and Sephora, and accept that Chipotle is my husband's second wife (LOL).

I am looking forward to this upcoming year, and seeing where it takes us....