Monday, January 28, 2013


I think my blog was due for a much nicer, less heavier post than yesterday's nut-tastic craziness. Thank you to those who responded, more so on facebook. I don't know what the heck those dreams were all about! Happy to report that last night there wasn't any scary, awful dreams =)

I have a wonderful friend name Donna Swygert, who I met (along with her fab hubby) through my hubby years ago. She has become such a dear friend to me.  She has a son who is about to be deployed to Afghanistan, which makes me so sad. She is a huge supporter of our troops, and has done an amazing job to bring awareness to so many that we truly need to be supporting our troops.

For the last 2 years or so, my classes have been writing letters to our troops. We will usually produce a good amount of letters and pictures, and then Donna sends them overseas. This time around, I was able to get some classes involved and I was able to give her over 120 letters and pictures. It was awesome!

It is important that our students are aware of the sacrifice and hard work that our troops put forth. It is important to teach them that freedom isn't really free; it comes with a cost. We need to be grateful for the what our troops sacrifice to keep us safe.

I love the letters the kids make. Here is one of my favorites (actually, I had many. This is just one of many).

Sunday, January 27, 2013

interpreting the nightmares/dreams

Hello to my faithful  3 readers...

So this isn't a fun, happy post. It is downright weird and I am writing it to see if someone can help me out. So the last 3 or so nights I have been having psycho, crazy nightmares. And no, believe it or not, we HAVE NOT been watching scary shows or movies lately, I don't get where these dreams are coming from. They are just plain weird now thinking about them, but in my dreams it is just awful. It makes me feel like something is wrong with me for having these dreams.  I just don't get why I am dreaming this. If  any of you know anything about dreams, insight would be helpful. These dreams are just too morbid.

Dream #1: very fuzzy, but a reoccuring nightmare about our country being attacked. More specifically, bombs being dropped, people turning on each other, etc. Awful.

Dream #2: Hubs and I are at some family resort that reminds me of the resort from Dirty Dancing. Everything is fine, until (okay don't laugh) we realize its being run by the mob. Everything is still fine, till I start noticing they are killing off guests, and I witness a bunch of gruesome murders. They end up going after me, which somehow, I run and get away. Also, we can't leave or we will be killed. The dream ends there.

Dream #3 (last night): This dream was so awful. I was working on a project at a bank/lab (I know, weird) and I was working in a room that you could see in. Next door was another set of people working as well, and I could see in their room.  We were all supposed to be done, and as I left the room, one of the lab people brought out a gun and killed everyone in the room, and was trying to get into our room. I ran and I was screaming for help. People realized what was happening and it got bad. We noticed that everywhere we ran, more men were coming our with guns and killing more people. I end up being knocked over on the floor with a bunch of people, as they are trying to drag myself and others into cars to be held hostage. The dream ends there, and all of sudden, I am at my school. I somehow turn on the news and find out that our school was attacked. Then it ends. The only bright part of my nightmares last night was I had sweet dream with my family being reunited with my dad. That was awesome.

Okay, typing this all down makes me feel like a complete and utter weirdo. WHAT. THE. HECK. Any insight is helpful. I am sick of dreaming this awful stuff!!! I do my quiet time in the mornings, but I think I am doing them before bed!!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

a small change...

I'm not a HUGE fan of change, but sometimes, it is a good thing when it happens. So I did a small change on my blog baby.

 I decided to change the super long original blog address www. (wowza, a HUGE mouthful!) to simply, I originally wanted, until blogger let me know it was taken.

I must admit I was a bit grumpy when I saw my desired name was taken, so I headed over to the blog that had "my name". Turns out the sweet lady was a true "Potter's wife", as her hubby's career is being an actual potter. Okay fine, you win. LOL!!!

So, now its 10x easier to type my blog name, and hopefully easier to remember. I don't get a ton of traffic/comments anyway (I get it, I'm not that interesting, LOL!!), but for my faithful 3 readers, at least it will be easier to type in my blog address, if you are in the mood to read. =0)

Happy Wednesday!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Making up for lost time...

So...yeah. Shouldn't come as a surprise, but its been awhile....
Part of my list of things to do during the break was to blog at least every other day for my faithful 3 readers but yeah, that didn't happen.

I can't believe my break is nearly over. I can't complain, It has been fun and Christmas was great. I thought it would be fitting to do a recap of our 2012.

Our 2012 RECAP (can't promise it will be brief, lol!):

1. The beginning of this year was a bit dramatic as our pup needed a knee replacement (actually, its the one year anniversary as we speak!) and it cost like a jillion dollars. Thankfully, knocking on wood, the pup came out fine and we now call him our million dollar dog.

2. This year, we were blessed with work. I had an incredible group of 6th graders, whom I miss dearly. We thankfully weren't laid off this year and got our jobs BEFORE the school year started! It was a shock for me due to the fact that the last 2 years I got my job back very late into the year. I was so happy to be back at my old site. This fall I have been beyond blessed to be a teacher of a precious group of 2nd graders!

3. This year (more so in the fall time of this year) we began house hunting. I haven't talked too much about it because it has been so painfully frustrating thanks to lack of inventory (example 1 house for 30 buyers. NO EXAGGERATION). I try to not lose my head because God has the perfect house for us!

4. This year was the year of road trips. While my ultimate dream is to travel to Europe (can't thanks to saving for a house), I have come to realize it is not the destination, but more of the quality time you spend with person you are traveling with. And boy, was it fun! Some of the places we went to this year: SF, Disneyland, Hollywood, Las Vegas (twice), Windsor wine country, Murphys, Angel's Camp, San Diego, and Santa Cruz.

5. We celebrated 3 years of marriage this year and we couldn't be happier!! I love my man!

I believe that is it. I am so looking forward to what 2013 brings us.

We are blessed and so incredibly thankful for what God has given us!!