Saturday, July 26, 2014

Happy 3 months Rowan!

One week ago, my little pickle turned 3 months!!!! It's hard to believe it's been 3 months! I have fallen so madly in love with my little girl!!! She is such a gift and we couldn't be happier with our new life with Rowan! I am amazed at how far our sassy pants has come from her early birth and NICU days. She makes my heart so full. I am so proud of her and how strong she is, inside and out!

It has been quite a month! She's still such a chunker and weighs over 12 pounds now, 12 pounds 11 oz to be exact! 7 pounds in less than 3 months, holy cow! She for sure isn't a tiny preemie anymore! 

Rowan is changing daily and making little milestones as we speak! It's really hard for me to not compare her to a term baby. Despite she is now 3 months, she is only 7 weeks old, according to her preemie adjusted age. I have to be careful and remember she is that age with milestones and to not feel something is wrong if she isn't making 3 month milestones! She was born a preemie and I have to remember that! We met with a physical therapist a few weeks back (more on that later) and Rowan is doing well and is also achieving some term baby goals! We will be meeting with the physical therapist monthly.

Some updates about my little darling:

Name: Rowan Decaris Potter

Rowan's age: 3 months, 1 week. Preemie age is technically 7 weeks.

Weight: 12 pounds 11 oz! She is quite the chubber! Rolls for days people, rolls for days! I kiss her so much!

Clothing size: Definitely 3 months! She is transitioning into 3-6 because her clothes, especially shorts, are getting too tight! She is super fluffy and definitely outgrowing her clothes.

Rowan milestones (for her adjusted age):
-Rowan for a minute, was not doing well with tummy time, in regards to lifting her neck (hence PT visit!), however, she made me out to be a liar because she is doing great with it! We learned some tricks and now she is tolerating it better.

-Rowan is great with tracking, recognizes faces with people she sees often, and kicks her legs in excitement when she sees one of us!

-Rowan is getting pretty good at holding on to toys. She loves to throw, hit, and flick them, and started to bring them to her mouth, which is great because that is what her PT wants her to be doing!

- Rowan holds up her head very well when we hold her and when she is sitting on our laps!

-I am excited about this one, but I think she is wanting to roll! When she is on her back, she arches her head and tries move her body to one side and actually got it up! YAY Rowan!

Rowan loves:

-being naked!

-EATING! This chubette is now eating 5-6 oz every 4 hours.

-Her Sophie the Giraffe...oh the smiles when I hold it up!

-her cousin Sam. She LIGHTS UP when she sees him!

-being sang to. She loves it! She also LOVES playing with toys! She grins, coos, and kicks when she plays with them!

-Starting to enjoy bath, YAY!!!

Rowan discoveries:
-This girl discovered sucking her thumb! It melts my heart but I am officially setting money aside for braces, ugh!

-her tongue! OMG she loves to stick her tongue out at everything, especially her dad!

Rowan doesn't like: still doesn't like to burp! She farts like a man, and sometimes it hurts her, so she cries! HATES BEING HOT!!! Oh, this girl is just like her father! Lately she has been hating the stroller and car seat, but ONLY because she gets so sweaty! Poor baby!

How is Rowan's spit up?: Still so much better! Thank you Jesus!

Sleeping at night?: I'm furiously knocking on wood as we speak! BUT....she is doing pretty good! Bath is at 6:30, goes to bed at 7 and sometimes she fights it for 20 minutes but eventually falls asleep. She eats between 11 or 12 at night, and then sleeps till 4:30-5! YAY baby!!! I am praying in the next month or so we can drop a feeding, but I will take it for now! I don't mind the 5 am feeding because I am needing to be getting up at that time to ensure I make it to work on time! Oh gosh, I hope I didn't just jinx it, LOL!

Naps? She's pretty predicable. She stays up and plays hard for 1.5 hours, sometimes 2 and then goes to sleep. She sleeps about 1.5-2 hours.

Rowan's personality so far: She is still an easy going baby and we learned she is a great traveler! We did an overnight trip to the beach and she did amazing! YAY!!!!!

A photo dump of our pretty girl: