Friday, June 28, 2013

Favorite Fridays: Easy and cheap map nails tutorial!

Wow, very overdue for a FF post! This week has been sheer madness thanks to a very sick pup (and throw in some surgery with it) and it has been an exhausting week. It was nice to sit down and try to blog a bit.

On Pinterest, I found a tutorial to do map nails:
 The premise seemed rather easy. However, it was nightmare, and only 3 of my nails really turned out. I was super bummed. Yesterday, I discovered this gem at Walmart for a mere $2.68. It caught my eye since it had "map paper":

The directions are crazy easy. First, cut the paper in the shape of your nail. I know, mine looks sucky, LMAO!
Second, paint two coats of nail polish. I did mine in White Hot from Sephora. Obvi wait for it to dry.

                       Now that your polish is dry, take off the film from the paper, dip it in water and press it on to your nail for 10 seconds. Slowly peel it off.

                                Now it should look like this. Top it with your favorite top coat. Continue this with all your nails.

                                             Finished product. BOOM.
This was so easy, and trust me, I am not good with my nails. If I can do it, anyone can! Happy Friday!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

dry spell #100

To my faithful 3 readers....

One would think that being off for the summer many blog posts would ensue. Yeah, that hasn't been the case for me, LOL! It has been nearly a month for vacay and I haven't blogged once.

It has been such a busy month! I tend to really plan lots of projects when I am off. I almost take on too much. I have been busy crafting, organizing, trying to relax, among many things. We also took a week to go to Disneyland with my sister and her little family, which was so stinkin' fun.Then this week, we were dealing with another round of health problems with our pup, which was very stressful.

There is another reason why it has been slow, and it is because some changes are a-comin quite soon. And NO it has nothing to do with babies, sorry! We have been making some big decisions and I look forward to what the future brings. Sorry to be so mysterious, but in time, I will be able to share more! And no guessing folks!

In the meantime, things are slowing down a bit and now I can catch up and post for my faithful 3 readers who read this!!