Friday, December 2, 2011

a lot to be thankful for....

This seems like an appropriate Thanksgiving-esque post.

However, I am fan of giving thanks ALL the time, not just during the month of November.  

Wow, where do I begin??? Well, as many may know, I am full time, actual, not a sub,  real live teacher again, LOL!! My district called me 4 months into the school year. Yep, 4 months.

I basically gave up on the thought of regaining regular teacher status but wow, now I know to seriously not sweat it!!

Its been my first week in 6th grade and I am really, really loving it. I have done 6th before (as well as every other grade it seems) but I am realizing how much I missed teaching 6th grade.

I am overwhelemed at God's goodness and provision to our family. He is amazing.

Some other things I am thankful for is now a solution to my hair issues.  I have found treatment and I hope it will get resolved.

I am grateful for this because it has kicked me in the butt that I need to take better care of myself and not have so much anxiety and to not stress.  I have been making sure I continue to exercise, try to eat better, and now I am taking a slew of vitamins. 

I don't know who has been praying, but boy, do I feel better! I feel like I have been able to manage my stress (um, HELLO new job!), I have more energy and overall, I just physically feel better.

In short, I am feeling very thankful and grateful. I may not be rich, or live in 7,000 sq ft. house, but I feel blessed beyond measure. Thank you Lord.