Friday, May 23, 2014

Favorite Fridays: Julep Maven nails

Hi friends,

 are you shocked I am actually doing a favorite Fridays post?!?!?!? I know! Its only been like what, 4 months?!?!

Well, I am here to rave about my favorite latest obsession, Julep maven nails . It is a mail-a-box to you system. I know what you thinking. I thought the same thing. I have tried make up boxes and honestly, I am not impressed. Too overpriced and the products are LAME. I had heard about  Julep through a fellow blogger, and what sold me was that she said the nail polish lasted for days! She is also a very busy mommy of 2, so I believed her! This is the real deal. Julep is definitely high end and definitely not crappy products. I have received two boxes already and it feels like Christmas!

I joined Julep while on hospital bed rest. A bit impulsive, but hey, this mama deserved it! You pay $20 a month, BUT you get 2 FULL size nail polishes, plus a full size product that can range from some sort of lotion or nail maintenance product. If you are still not convinced, bear in mind just one of these full size nail polishes costs you $14 at Sephora. Or the price of $20, you get two plus another full size product. Sounds fabulous to me!

I will sadly admit, as of late, painting my nails is no longer a priority. When I am not suctioning spit ups, rocking a crying babe and/or my Ro is sleeping, I am usually trying to sleep or clean. However, when daddy gets home, I try to polish up my neglected nails.

So far, I have built up a small collection.  Currently, this is what I have stockpiled, and I love it! The colors are fun, dry quickly and this is my favorite, it comes off EASILY. I usually fight in taking off my nail polish, especially glitter. However, I swear, this practically comes off with one swipe. I am more sold than ever!  


Right now, these are my current nails

Can't wait to paint these pretty little nails!

If you join, you won't be disappointed!

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