Monday, January 6, 2014

Surviving the infamous glucose test

Okay, so I have been meaning to do this post, because I feel there is a lot negative crap out there and I want my fellow first time preggos to be encouraged. Yep, I'm talking about the famous, awesome glucose test.

At about 7 weeks, I had my very first appointment, saw my precious baby, and ran through a series of questions regarding, health, etc. It came up as a concern on how much diabetes runs in my family. Literally everyone in their mom has it, on both sides of the family.

The doctor wanted me to take the test that day, but because of prior commitment, I couldn't. Now normally, one would not have to do it this early. Usually, its at 28 weeks. Due to our crazy family history, they wanted it done ASAP. Mind you at this point I am just 7 weeks preggo. Great.

So, I did the worst thing a first time preggo can do...I read the mommy forums. For those of you who know me, y'all know I'm a hypochondriac and my family has jokingly banned me from WebMD. Those mommy forums can be super scary and make you feel like you will have a 2 headed baby. I had been told by many of the doctors and nurses to stay away, but of course I didn't listen.

 Every topic basically said that this test was torture, you will feel like dying, its the worst thing in the world etc. etc. Of course I was nervous. Even though I never suffered through morning sickness, I have a weak stomach and have had loads of tummy issues prior to pregnancy. I was super nervous for this test, like so nervous I prayed about it (I'm sure God was rolling his eyes the whole time, lol!).

So, a week later, I arrived, got checked in, etc. I was extra chatty with the lab tech, because I wanted to stall. She hands me this beauty

and tells me I have 5 minutes. Gulp.  I open it and told myself to grow a pair. I start to drink it, and actually, IT IS NOT THAT BAD! I was pleasantly surprised!!! I threw it back like my favorite shot and called it good.  A few days later....I failed by ONE MERE POINT. WTH?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

I was so irritated! I got a phone call to set up my 3 hour and I even tried to negotiate with the lab technician, who was cracking up. Nope, I still had to take my 3 hour test.
Now, I was even more annoyed than nervous! The 3 hour requires a specific fasting the night before, a  more horrid tasting drink (100 mg), plus you get your blood drawn a grand total of 4 times. You have to just sit there in a sugar induced coma. Ugh. SO fun.

I decided to get it over with, so I march in the first thing in the morning. Same procedures checking in, first blood drawn. Then, they produce this pretty:
 It already looked nasty. My stomach was churning. Again, I stall by making stupid small talk but the technician gave me a look, so again, I told myself to "grow a pair" and I opened it up.
Now, I won't lie. Its pretty gross. Imagine a yummy lemonade drink, but up the sugar x 1,000. It was so freaking sweet.
Then there is the wait. I felt like complete and total crap thanks to all the sugar. I would get dizzy each time I stood up (and no, you can't have any water). By the end of it all, my arms were completely bruised up. I will say it was nice to catch up on reading, and watch some of my favorite shows. Not a bad deal!
 To be perfectly honest with you, this whole experience wasn't all that bad. Thankfully, my results came in and I passed! Thank God!

Sure, it wasn't fun, but I know labor will be much worse. I figured people are dying of cancer, going through horrible radiation or chemo, and here I am, just drinking sugar. Really, it could be worse!

So, what was my take away? Words of Wisdom? For my first timers (which there is a few of you):

1. DON'T read the forums! DO NOT DO IT!  Honestly, it will scare you and make you nervous. For the exception of those mamas dealing with morning sickness (which this test will make you feel worse), a lot of the other mamas were complaining for nothing. Honestly, it is not that bad. And trust me, I am kind of a wimp!

2.  The drink, especially the 50 mg. isn't that bad. It tastes just like orange soda. Even though the lemon is very sweet, its chuggable. Just don't think about it!

3. The wait is a perfect opportunity to read/catch up on shows. Each test requires a wait. Take advantage and bring stuff with you. It was nice getting a chance to read and just sit there.

4. Go in with a positive attitude. I truly believe if you go in with a positive mindset, it won't be that bad.

So while I was overjoyed I got this over with. However, the joy was fleeting as I had another bombshell at my last appointment.

I will have to take this test again. 
 Why why why why?!?!?!?!!?!?  Praying my doctor was just being forgetful, but word on the street is that this supposed to happen again.
Well, since I have done it twice, it should be a no biggie, right??!?

Pshhh....till next time loves!

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