Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Our gender reveal recap!!!!!

This past Saturday we had a gender reveal!!

If you read mommy blogs and/or you are on pinterest, gender reveal parties are all the rage! I definitely wanted to have one as neat way to find out our baby's gender!

There is a variety of ways you can do yours, but this is the way we decided to have ours. At our 20 week scan, Muggle was cooperative and the tech put the results in an envelope. I was so relieved because our party was that Saturday! I had nightmares that Muggle wouldn't cooperate! Luckily all was fine! At this point, we still didn't know! The very next day, I gave the envelope to Joelyn, who makes the best cakes in the world. What was neat was she did our wedding cake! It was awesome having her do our reveal cake. Thursday and Friday I was on pins and needles, anxious for Saturday to come!
Our party went very well and smoothly! For the food, I decided to have a menu of my food cravings. Luckily, my cravings have been pretty normal, but probably not the most healthiest. Oh well! Here are some of the food pictures:
going from left to right...
pink and blue cupcakes!//one of the tables before the food was set//close up of the food menu//one of the tables with yummy snacks// the main table set with yummy food plus our cake!!
 Some more decorations from the party:

From top/ left to right....
My super cute boy or girl banner (it didn't come out in the picture, grr)//we had our guests pitch in their guesses//printed off an old wives tales paper! I had more girl than boy!

Once all of our guests arrived, it was time to cut the cake! We could hardly stand the suspense!

O.M.G. IT'S A GIRL!!!!!!!!!

I truly and sincerely was shocked! Everyone was dead set it was a boy (except for like, 10 people who were team girl) , so I assumed it was a boy then, though I never felt in my heart it was 100% . I was so freaking excited and I can't believe we are having a little girl!!!! I am still in shock but beyond overjoyed!!!
A couple of funny things about the video: 1. That cake! It totally got stuck! I was so nervous trying to yank it out! 2. I nearly stab poor Shan! Of course he wasn't in any danger, but it looks bad in the video! 3. Oh mom! She didn't understand that the whole cake would be pink, goofball! She thought at first it was a boy, because some of the blue smeared. She is so excited though!
Truly, this was one fun party and I'm so glad we did our reveal the way we did! I can't believe we will be parents of a little girl! She is already so loved, and for that, I am so thankful.
Some more pics from the party. I wish I had more pictures but I didn't take hardly any and I should have passed that torch. Oh well:

                     My sister and I                           Some of our guests :))

                 From left to right... 
  us before cutting//getting ready to dive in//cutting away//our looks of shock//holy crap, we are surprised and so happy!!

                         The happy and overjoyed parents!

                                            Till next time loves,

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