Monday, April 15, 2013

11 random things...

I have been seeing this type of a post in a lot of blogs. I thought I would try a fun facts post myself. It may be hard because many of you already know me, but hey, I'm up for a challenge to find a thing or two that you may not know! Herrrreeeee we go:
1. I detest Mexican food. I know, I am the only one in the world. My family hates this about me. And before you say, "but aren't you Mexican?" Nope, I'm Salvadorean.
2. If I could have an alternate career, I would 110% be a stylist for celebrities. I love fashion and putting together outfits. Not to toot my own horn, but I am usually the go-to girl for many of my friends and family asking for fashion advice, and I LOVE helping. I seriously love clothes.
3. Popular to contrary belief, I do want to be a mom someday. My past posts don't reflect it, but I do. Just not now. I have loved every second of being kid-less and I am savoring every minute with my fabulous hubby. And no, there isn't any health issues. The end.
4. From time to time, hubs and I have full blown conversations in British accents. Yes, we are strange. I blame it because we watch a lot of British TV. We think we have pretty awesome accents. Sometimes when there is a little bit of downtime, I even speak in a British accent to my students to be silly and they think I am cool. I'm positive to actual Brits we would sound like complete idiots, lol!
5. I'm obsessed with all things Europe. Like borderline crazy-obsessive, lol! Our honeymoon trip to Ireland put the bug in me, and I have been crazy about wanting to go to Europe. I find joy pouring over potential tours and figuring out costs of flights online. I turn GREEN WITH SERIOUS ENVY anytime I see someone on facebook head over to Europe. My goal is to go visit the "big ticket" cities: London, Paris and Italy. Preferably before having children. I would die happy if I could even visit JUST ONE of these places.
6. I have never officially admitted this, but I have been diagnosed with Androgenic Alopecia . For more on this crazy a-- story, start here: losing it
It was horrible and awful (considering 2 years before I had the thickest hair known to man), but I realized there are more worse things in the world. No, I am not bald, and won't ever be (well, knock on wood big time, lol!). Luckily, I think I have it somewhat under control and for face-value, you can't tell.

7.  I look like an idiot when I don't smile in pictures. Case in point:

I have to smile. I just look a major weirdo when I don't. I wish I could look fierce, but I look ridiculous. Guess a modeling career is out, LOL!!!!!

8. I am obsessed with pickles, but I will vomit if you even offer fried pickles (fried pickles=BAD TUMMY EXPERIENCE)

9.   Is it sad to say I am still a little bit afraid of the dark? When I sleep, I sleep under the covers, because that way, I am untouchable, LOL!!!!

10. I have a weird quirk about giving people nicknames...for example one of my students  Gustavo is "gus", Abigail is "Abbs", etc. etc. I don't know if people like their nicknames as much as I do, lol.

11. Another weirdo quirk is I abbreviate everything. Like jelly for jealous, cray for crazy, you get the idea. Drives some of my friends cray (lol) but I don't care, lol!!!

Anyway, hope you enjoyed these random tidbits about myself! Happy Monday!

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