Monday, June 4, 2012

All quiet on the Western front...kind of

Wow, really? My last post was March 22nd? UGH.

To my faithful three readers who read this, I am not trying to ignore my blog, I just haven't had much time, EEK.

Well, some things have happened since good ol' March 22nd so let's recap:

1. WE. HAVE. JOBS. Amen, glory glory halleujah!!!! AND for the first time in almost 4 years, I actually know where I will be, well before school starts! That means I can actually enjoy my summer, set up and decorate my room in peace, and actually hit up the fun school supply sales! Thank you God!! And yes, I am learning that I am an idiot for stressing. Sorry God.

2.We are in the process of trying to start buying a house. Holy schmoly, it is cray cray!! We have been saving for a long time and are going to get pre-approved. We are DYING to become homeowners. I want this so bad. Praying that God will make this happen.

3. No baby and probably won't be happening anytime SUPER soon! Sorry folks. I really like it just my hubby and I for now. And besides, I am enjoying NOT having kids, a little too much I think. I do know that eventually, I need to get the show on the road, because well, I'm no spring chicken (hence, #4). I must say I am afraid to commit to the kid thing...okay this number is getting long, this may be another blog post, HAHA.
4.  I turned 29 on May 18th. Really? How did that happen? I still feel like I'm 16, LOL!!

5. We just had a fabulous vacay to Disneyland (so fun). In our time there, we visited the Warner Brothers Studio (HIGHLY recommend) and we visited a ton of touristy stops in Hollywood and Beverly Hills. FUN FUN FUN!!!

I think that is it for my recap. I need to stop negelcting this. Have a great day!!

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