Wednesday, July 13, 2011

something old

About a month ago, I have discovered that I have a true, genuine love for antiques.

I don't know if its the natural wear and tear of it, the history behind it or the fact that these objects have lived through different decades,  but overall, I am fascinated by it.

However, my cheapie side isn't feeling the same. To buy these beautiful treasures, you have got to spend the moolah, which is understandable. Especially being laid off, I need to be careful and not spend where it isn't needed. Needless to say, its a bit of a battle with myself, lol.

Well, today hub and I decided to hit up good ol' Lodi. We went to downtown and hit up some stores. I didn't spend a whole lot (again, that is good) but I bought these two, fun little wares for 12 bucks total. Yep, I rock (please ignore the big black lines, I cropped the pics and it came out like this. BOO):

At another antique shop, hub discovered these Star Wars read along books. While this may mean nothing to the average person, you must understand hub is the BIGGEST Star Wars fan known to man. He has original stuff from 1977 in mint condition (sorry boo, I'm sorta revealing your age, lol) that is worth a lot of money. He has oodles of Star Wars collectibles, so this was perfect to add the mix. However, we won't dare open them as that will make it lose its value, lol (again, please pardon the black craziness, lol):

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