Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Happy 20 months Rowan!

I am in serious denial that in 4 short months my little muggle will be two years old. I don't even want say it out loud! I'm already planning her 2nd birthday and I am kinda sad about it.
 This month has been so unbelievably fun because...the holidays. I knew this year would be different because my girl baby was older, and sure enough it has been great!

Age: 20 months, (18.5 months adjusted age)

Weight and clothing size: 
Rowan is about 30 pounds. Wearing size 5 diapers, size 5 shoes, and 3T in clothing.

Rowan enjoys my turkey sausage and egg scramble. She is getting better at eating her foods, though texture can really weird her out. She tasted mushrooms which she hated! She also isn't enjoying eggs (besides my scramble) like she used to. She is still eating her meats as long as its flavorful (makes sense!)

Rowan can:
-run. GULP.
-say "minnie". It is the darnest cutest thing ever! Sounds like "mah-nin-knee", Also says my nephew's name, Sam. Sounds like "nimi-nam" LOL.
-Start to really follow simple commands. For example, I will ask her to go get me her shoes, she will do it. Amazing how much they can do!
-Likes to help me with laundry, LOL! She will hand me clothes to put in the wash.
-Rowan loves to eat with her forks and spoons, though the food doesn't always make into her mouth!

-If Rowan is sitting in a taller-ish chair, couch, etc. she is learning how to carefully lower herself without falling.

Rowan loves:

-Minnie Mouse. She loves the show "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse" and has taken a major shine to Minnie. She says her name now (as mentioned earlier) and her face lights up when she sees her!

- loves to brush her teeth. She will squeal, sit still and open her mouth, ready to go. I love her!

-Her Melissa and Doug animal puzzle book. This book was a hand me down, and she is OBSESSED with the animal magnets! We have magnets EVERYWHERE in the house!

-the Christmas tree. We had a tree with all the trimmings. I still wanted to decorate my tree. I know a lot of people forgo trees or do the bare minimum but I just didn't want to. Rowan thankfully never messed with the tree. However, she LOVED it! Every morning we had a routine where I would countdown and turn on the tree lights. Everyday she would gasp and have a look on her face that would make me want to cry. SO friggin' precious!!!!!!!


Rowan doesn't like
-being in the stroller or the shopping cart. She would much rather prefer to run everywhere. It can make being in public difficult at times. Most of the time its okay if she's distracted or eating snacks, LOL!
-Getting her "hair done". Rowan has beautiful, goldish brown hair. She also can master the most perfect bedhead. However, I like to put it up in a pony or piggies, and BOY does she hate it! SHe will fight and scream!

-when doors or gates are shut! Sis just doesn't like being shut in! She will get upset and then go knock on the door. It's pretty funny!

 Sleeping schedule:
Sleep is still decent. She was doing two naps until recently. She is now down to one, and I am sad! I don't want to complain as I know some toddlers who barely nap at all!

 New happenings this month:
 Holy crap, where do I start?

-We had a great Thanksgiving with NO health drama! 

-We had Breakfast with Santa. Our does this event where you pay $5 for a pancake breakfast and visit with Santa! It's a brilliant idea, and I am foreseeing this being a part of our Christmas traditions. To my shock, she wasn't afraid of Santa! We also continued with our tradition of making Christmas cookies with our Finney cousins. 

-We also crazily went to Disneyland, right in the peak of madness. However, it WASN'T that bad. I will post on this later. I was a bit stressed about this trip, primarily because of the grapevine and potential closures. For my non California peeps, the grapevine is a major freeway connecting us Northerners to LA. When it closes, basically all hell breaks loose. We ended up leaving a day early due to potential bad weather. However, it was still very much fun and amazing!

-Oh lawdy, Christmas! It was great!!! We celebrated with my family on the 23rd and Rowan weirdly had a bad fever, which royally sucked. She was miserable! Thankfully the day after she recovered and it was great! Christmas is much different with a toddler, she enjoyed it so much!

My obligatory Rowan dump:

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