Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Holidays with a toddler: A quick Thanksgiving recap

Yep, recapping Thanksgiving WEEKS after it happened. Yep, it is what it is! October-December are my absolute favorite months of the year. The holidays are like magic to me, and now that  Rowan is older, I can't wait to pass on our traditions and see her joy for the holidays.

I also wanted to recap this holiday, because it was worlds different compared to last year. As some of you remember, Rowan got very, very sick and ended up in the ER. She was struggling to breathe, I thought she was going to die, an all around nightmare! This is where we met her best friend, the nebulizer, which we still use to this day. We also learned that day that for the rest of the year, every time she would get a cold it would turn to bronchiolitis, which can turn very scary. All around that Thanksgiving sucked royally!

I was looking forward to a stress and drama free holiday and thankfully I got it! While Rowan did end up getting a cold after, it was still a great holiday! We spent Thanksgiving with my sister and her in law family, and they are like family to us! My sister and brother in law started dating at 15, so we have basically become a huge family because of it! It was fun to celebrate with them!  I was put in charge of stuffing, and thankfully it turned out great! I made it from scratch!

Our morning started off with breakfast with the girl. She then went down for her morning nap. Usually I am scrambling to do chores but instead, we got back into bed, hubby slept while I watched the Thanksgiving parade drinking coffee. IT. WAS. GLORIOUS:

After girl baby woke up, we continued to lounge around and slowly got ourselves ready. I LOVED Rowan's outfit (yes, the vest isn't super practical) and I had to do a mini shoot:

We gathered at my sister's, and ate to our hearts content!

::Quick disclaimer:: I am not including too many pictures of everyone, mainly because my blog is public and I want to respect the other moms and their kids' privacy. Unless you tell me otherwise, I NEVER show other kids' faces on my blog unless you give me permission. It bugs me how many bloggers just upload their friends' kids without permission! Okay disclaimer over::

Anyway, I was stoked for Rowan to try our Thanksgiving feast, and sure enough, she loved it! Especially the cranberry sauce! She also tried pumpkin and pecan pie, and LOVED it. Of course, she is a girl after my own heart!

                                                                                                        Thanksgiving was wonderful and relaxing. So much better than last year, that's for sure! We had/have a lot to be thankful for!
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