Friday, January 22, 2016

Happy 21 months Rowan!

21 months??! Say it ain't so! Time is flying and this girl is blossoming into such a precious little girl! I literally feel so emotional thinking she will be 2 soon! I feel like I was literally JUST pregnant! I miss her baby days at times, though this phase of her life is so wonderful! 2nd birthday plans are already underway!

Age: 21 months, (19.5 months adjusted age)

Weight and clothing size: 
Rowan is almost 31 pounds. Wearing size 5 diapers, size 5 shoes, and 3T in clothing.

Rowan now apparently doesn't like meat, sigh. She will eat spaghetti (she likes to talk to it, LOL), fruit all the live long day, most veggies and anything carbs. She sometimes doesn't mind breaded chicken, and recently tried an oreo, which she joyfully freaked out about (who wouldn't?!)

Rowan can:
-open doors. Looks like we need those knob covers!
-in addition to her previous words, she now says amen, boo and buh bye
-color with a slight purpose now instead of the table, LOL! She loves anything art. 
-Likes to "helpful" by trying to sweep
-Rowan is getting pretty good at throwing and kicking!
-Identifies shapes and most colors. In her shape sorter, she is actually matching the shapes and pushing them in!
-can do certain puzzles! She is a smarty!
-does hand motions to songs like "Twinkle Twinkle" and "Itsy Bitsy Spider". So dang freaking cute!
-Starting to dance more when songs come on. She's not a big dancer (weird because I LOVE to dance) but she is getting into it!

Rowan loves:

-The song "Walking On a Dream" by Empire Of The Sun We discovered the song trying to find a Baby Einstein video. The song is SUPER catchy and I totally love it too! I never heard of this band, but they are wonderfully weird and random. Check them out! Rowan LOVES it, watches the video with rapt attention and sways to the beat, LOLOLOL!

- OH MY WERD. This girl loves bubbles! If you want to see her nearly have a brain aneurysm from excitement, just blow bubbles! She loves them so much!!!

-loves anything with shapes and music. 

-loves the card section at Target! She likes to look at every card, and I am teaching her to put it back by herself. While this is cute, tantrums ensue if we have to leave. Le sigh.

-Loves to wave at everyone who will look at her. She also likes to walk right up to people and get in their face. It happens mainly at my gym when parents are sitting or at restaurants when we are walking to our table. I always apologize but people are super great about it and love on her lol.  

Rowan doesn't like
-holding hands. Since she hates being tied down to the stroller and cart, we hold hands with her but boy its a fight!!!

-If she is being redirected and doesn't want to go, she will squat and won't move a muscle! I'm pretty sure she has the strongest legs because of this, Oy! This is a concern because she will be in a wedding as the flower girl. I am terrified she won't walk LOL!! 

-throws fits when we have to leave something she's enjoying. A basic, constant main example is leaving the store. We will allow her to explore and for the most part, she is quite behaved. However, if we have to move or go, she screams and gets all crazy. For all the past parents I gave stink eye to, just know karma is now getting me!!!!

-on that note, the fit throwing is in full swing. Luckily it doesn't happen a TON but when it does it sure isn't fun. LORD JESUS take the wheel! 

-she doesn't really enjoy going to nursery. She will cry the minute we leave, but eventually calms down as we never get called back. I feel really bad, I hope she grows out of it!

 Sleeping schedule:
Sleep is still decent. Sleeps usually from 7:30-6:30 on school days, when we are home or on the weekends usually to 7:30 or 8! Takes a midday nap from 11-1:30/2. I am always thankful. I know toddlers who still aren't sleeping! If I am tired, its usually because it's my own dang fault!

 New happenings this month:

-She celebrated her second NYE! We get together with my sister and friend Amy's families. It's very fun! She obviously went to bed before actual midnight but still very fun! 

-We did a wine country trip with Rowan and my mom! We went to Windsor and Healdsburg. If you are California native, please do yourself a favor and go! TEN TIMES better than Napa!!! I am going to post on our trip, but it was sure interesting! We had some bumps in our little trip, but it was still very fun! 

-We started back at teaching (BOO) and our regular routine. I was in tears going back! The working mom guilt is so real!

My obligatory Rowan dump:

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