Monday, September 22, 2014

The day that everything changed

So I hesitated writing this post. It may be weird, cheesy and may induce some eye rolling.

However, I don't think I care, lol!
A year ago today was the day I found out I was pregnant. 

I remember it to a T. It was 9:45 at night, and we had just come celebrating my mom's birthday. I had been a day late, which has happened. I had felt something was a bit off. I took my pregnancy test and just sat. After 2 quick minutes, I peeked and saw one word that would forever change my life:

I remember feeling shocked and stunned. What?!?!??! After some time of shock I started laughing. At that moment, my heart felt an indescribable joy. This was huge because as most y'all will recall, I was pretty certain I didn't want kids. I felt like having a child would be a death sentence to our fun, carefree lives.

Yet seeing that word, well, my world was happily turned upside down. 

After telling my shocked husband, we decided to keep this to ourselves until I was 12 weeks along. I was petrified of miscarriage.  Those first few weeks I was nervous, scared and beyond excited. We had a Disneyland trip and a Las Vegas trip planned. I remember feeling so nervous and fussing over my tiny baby. I was so excited, I wanted to scream it from the rooftops! In Vegas we went out to the clubs (I know how trashy that sounds, I wasn't showing!) we broke down and told this other adorable couple that we had just met, lol! It took the edge off of us dying to tell friends and family. When we finally did, our families cheered and cried tears of joy. When we announced on FB and IG we were met with a plethora of likes, comments and private messages, wishing us well. This is the pic we revealed:

 I went on for 8 ish months having the happiest pregnancy on the block. I had no morning sickness and no major issues. For the first time in my life, I felt like a super human. I felt alive, radiant and beautiful. I had the quintessential big belly and I couldn't be happier. To this day, I still feel kinda depressed about not being pregnant anymore. That's how much I loved it. Am I psycho? Probably, but anyway...

As we all know, stinker belle Rowan decided to come early, etc. etc. But in the end, God gave me the best prize I could ever ask for. 

That day was monumental for me, and it forever changed my world and flipped it upside down. I feel thankful I got to take part of this huge miracle and feel honored God picked me to be the mother of this beautiful, precious baby girl. September 22nd will always be special for  me!!!

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