Thursday, February 6, 2014

6 months!!!!!!!!!

Six months today!!!
Holy flip, I can't even get over it. Loving this journey, and before I can blink, my girl will be here, AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How Far Along: 24 weeks baby!! 

How are you feeling? Overall, still pretty good!

Size of Muggle: My muggle girl is the size of a subway footlong. That makes me giggle!

Total Weight Gain: still about 7 pounds. Doc doesn't seem worried.

Crazy mood swings? Its improving! Feeling extremely emotional though!

Gender? GIIIIRRRRLLLLLLL.....holy crap, the thought of having a  daughter is still so crazy to me. Everyone was dead set it was a boy. I didn't honestly feel 100% either way, so I just went with the majority. Finding out it was a girl blew my mind! I am so not trying to be crazy and buy everything pink and ruffly in sight!

What I miss: Besides bloody mary's and wine, nothing too terribly much! Wait that's a lie. Holy crap I miss sleeping on my stomach! I long for it!

Sleep: Um its okay. I am definitely sleeping, but the getting up to pee 3-4 times a night is making me angry. Omg, I wake up and my hips and back are so sore. I know, I know it only gets worse.

Symptoms: nothing out of control, really, however I had
a crazy thing happen to me earlier today, but I'm debating whether to blog that or not. Might be TMI. And yes, I am 100% okay and fine!

Cravings: Still dairy, especially chocolate milk. I am super craving sandwiches, though the internet has made lunch meat to be satan's spawn. So annoying. I still eat them from time to time (GASP) lol.

Aversions: None. Though I am NOT a fan of leftovers. 

Movement: My girl is very active! She is kicking me a lot more, and I can see my tummy starting to move, which is so insane. Some days she quiet, others she's wild! Juice makes her go crazy!

Belly stats: This belly is getting bigger and bigger by the minute. I crack up at how big I am, tummy wise. I know some girls who were my size at 9 months! Honestly, I'm soaking it up. I love it love it love it! 

Worries/concerns: I have learned this week of a tragic story of my old college pal, where her nephew was born 5 weeks early and died. My heart breaks for them. Honestly, that stuff scares the crap out of me. For whatever reason, people keep telling me how when their baby was born, the cord was wrapped around the neck, etc. All of that makes me scared. I keep telling myself that all of that is NOT in my control. The only thing I can do is take the best care of myself. 

Maternity Clothes: Yes, still mainly in pants. Thankful I can still wear most of my tops.

Stretch marks? Okay, so I thought I found one last month, but turns out it wasn't one. After examining my body in the mirror, I haven't found any. When I say that to people, they almost gleefully tell me to just wait, it will happen as I get bigger. Um, okay. I guess I will wait then?

Best Moments this week: simply feeling my daughter move. Can't even get over it. Also, people have been awesome wanting to give us stuff, which is fabulous!

What I'm looking forward to: my baby shower! It's not for awhile, but I can't wait! 

Till next time loves, 

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