Monday, December 3, 2012

Here's lookin' at you Kate...

As a disclaimer, this a random, rambling post. Okay, carry on...

I have been a sucker for Royals. I don't know why. Part of me thinks its because I have loved princesses, glamour, and castles my whole life. Also maybe the fact we have nothing even close to that here.

I cried when Princess Di died, had my high school crush on Wills (yep, nickname basis here), had an awe of the Queen. And of course, how can you NOT love Buckingham PalaceThen, came Kate.

Boy, do I think she is amaze-balls!!!! Everything about her is stunning and beautiful.
I am obsessed with her hair and clothes, and you bet your bottom dollar I stayed up ALL NIGHT when they got married.  I watched every bit of their wedding coverage. I paid for it the next day, lol!

I like her because she seems normal for the position she is in. Some facts you may or may not know (I'm going to sound like a stalker but I promise you its stuff anyone can read from articles, don't fret, lol!) :

-She does her own hair and makeup.
-they live in a regular, quaint cottage.
-they don't have any help
-she cooks and cleans like a normal wife
-She constantly recycles outfits and buys clothes that a "commoner" could afford.
-they do normal couple things like movie and dinner dates

Okay, I'm pretty sure this equates me in stalker status mode so I'll stop. Imagine my happiness when I heard she was preggo. I was elated. First off their baby is going to be totally gorg and amazing. Plus they will be the best parents. I'm also DYING to see how she dresses her bump. I WILL be taking notes.
Its also exciting to learn that no matter what the sex is, their little baby will be the heir to the throne. RAD .

Congrats you crazy kids!!!


  1. I seriously love Kate ... just a mild obsession :)

  2. Aw yay!!! Another fellow fan!!! I know, I am think I have a mild obession too, LOL!!!
