Thursday, December 6, 2012

bad teacher

I jumped on the elf bandwagon. As in Elf on The Shelf.

If you don't know about this rad, awesome little guy,
You can read about it here....

Christmas is my most favorite time of the year and I love to go "Christmas Crazy" with my students. I was delighted that this year we could do Elf on the Shelf, seeing how I teach second grade.

Last Friday, I spit a big game about Elf on the shelf to my class. The kids were beyond thrilled and excited for our visitor. That very same day I marched down to my local Target and purchased my precious Elf and book for a cheap (ha) $30 bucks.

Monday rolls around, I'm feeling sick, but I gather my sick self and all my belongings and head to school. I step in to my room and realize...

Crap, I left the elf!

Mind you, I'm freaking out about 3 things:
1.I live about 35 minutes away from work. I can't go back.
2. I hate not following through, even though I didn't mean to be flake-alicious.
3. My kids' disappointed faces would kill me.

So, I did what any teacher would do, and elf (aka you know who) "wrote" (okay typed) a sweet and silly note, including a picture, Here it is:

Of course, my babies were sad when Elf wasn't there (insert intense guilt), but they lit up when I read his letter and all was forgiven. It made them even more excited. And yes, you bet your bottom dollar I DIDN'T forget him the next day.

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