Friday, June 10, 2011


Decoupage-The decoration of the surface of an object with paper cut-outs

A pretty fancy word for basically making collages!

The Potter's wife has been feeling quite crafty lately. I'm so loving being on vacay so I can hone my skills. I have been making jewelry (yes, I am still planning on doing an Etsy shop. I am just trying to stockpile so I have a variety) but I came across this fantastic idea:
Basically, you take a wooden letter, get this fantastic glue substance called "mod podge", and decorate how you want. I bought some scrapbooking paper, traced the letter "P" (for Potter obviously) and cut it out. I then mod podged the wooden letter, then put some on the back of the paper and then basically glued it down. Here is the result:

I felt a little shaky ( not a naturally crafty) doing it but I am sure as time goes on I'll feel more comfortable with it. I planning on making another small "p" and grouping them together on the wall. We'll see how it goes =).

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