Monday, November 15, 2010

Wifey attempting to be healthier

Well, I feel like most girls at some point in their lives have a an issues with their bodies.

Mine started in college.

You see, in high school, I weighed between 100-105 pounds, was between a size 1-2, was pretty athletic, and I had no curves ( I know, it makes me sick too). I joked I looked like a boy because I had no boobs or hips. Then, as I was approaching college, the dreaded freshman 15 myth was rolling around, but I certainly didn't think that would be my problem. Long story short, in college, boom, the weight came. No, it wasn't like I gained 30 pounds, but it was a bit shocking at first. I do credit that I got my boobies and hips, lol!!! Then as life progressed, my life of once being a size 1-2 again was VERY much l0ng gone.

Now, flashfoward a few years. Many wives have told me that newly fresh wifeys sometimes gain weight for whatever reason (I am saying sometimes because maybe some wifeys are blessed to not deal with this, lol). Ugh, please don't let that be true, but sure enough it is TRUE!!! (okay, maybe not for everyone). I don't know what it is but yeah, not liking it at all....

So I am doing something about it.

I have decided to do it the old fashioned way, simply watching what I eat and excercising regularly. My problem is I am not consistent, especially in the gym area. However, hubs has become my gym partner and its gotten easier. My other nemesis is food. I have always struggled with eating healthy. Now its starting to get a bit easier.

So far I have "lost" about 4 pounds, however, it goes up and down because I literally eat a well balanced meal and I have gained a pound, so screw the scale. I don't know if I have "really" lost anything but I have noticed my clothes are more loose and I physically feel better. Food isn't such a struggle now. I recently had a burger for the first time in weeks and it was hard to finish it. I found myself wanting fruit....let's hope this lasts!!!

Cooking has become a lot better. I am OBSSESSED with this site: I have advertised it often, but really, its fab. I will be posting recipes that I try from the site, so be prepared....

I am happy with these small changes and I am starting to feel better. Do I want to be a size zero and 100 pounds? No, not at all. Bottom line, its important that I stay healthy and live a balanced, healthy life =)

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