Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Unthinkable....

SO, I have survived three weeks as a kinder teacher. The first week was rough, I won't lie. They are cute but they are truly still babies.

Now, I am starting to get used to little ones come up from behind and tapping my leg or tugging on my shirt if they need my attention (once, one of them actually tapped my butt) , laugh when they say "Mrs. Pawtoh" (cute lisps!), realize that singing for everything keeps them super engaged and that understanding a 5 year old mentality gets a little easier as each daygoes by. However, I was not prepared for what happened today.

I got the kids settled into their worksheet, we finished it as a whole class and lastly, they were to color part of their worksheet. It gives me about a 5 minute break before I start hearing "Mrs. Pawtoh, I am DOOONNNNEEE!!!!" so, I am roaming around my classroom when I notice a brown ball on the ground. I didn't think much of initally, simply because the floor does get littered as the day goes on with everything we do. However, something in me says to pick it up with a tissue. I proceed to do so and I notice it smells.

Like, really really bad.

Yup, "Mrs. Pawto" just picked up poop.

The Potter Wife, aka OCD germaphobe, FREAKS out!!!!!!!!!!!! EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW

Despite it was in the tissue, I wash my hands furiously. I take disfectant and clean a huge quadrant because I am sooooooooooooo freaked out. Then, I got a mad woman hunt to see if there are more posionous brown balls. Luckily, everything else for face value was okay.


I share my horrendous story to another kinder teacher. She said, "Welcome to kindergarten! Once, a kid had diarrhea apparently, and was having an accident as they were going down the slide at recess".

WHAAAT????? I stare at her disgusted.

What a poopy day. I am still so grossed out, lol

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