Friday, October 23, 2015

Happy 18 months Rowan! The year and a half year recap...

We have made it to 18 months! Holy cow! 

 In the last week and a half, I have been reminded to be thankful for this precious child of mine. As I wrote in my previous post, I lost a beautiful, young friend to a horrific cancer over a week ago. While my sweet friend Emily knew Jesus and is in heaven, I can't help but mourn her loss. I often think and pray for her parents, who had to bury their child. That right there makes my heart ache. 

I look at my firecracker of a child, and can't believe what we have been through. The crazy hospital stay, NICU, and now a healthy baby girl is a reminder of what we have overcome. I'll be honest, it sometimes isn't easy to be her mom. Rowan is a sweet and great baby, but she can be a handful sometimes. She can be VERY stubborn, can be fussy about things, and is becoming a professional at throwing fits. I often get frustrated, like most parents. However, Emily's death was a smack in the face. While parts of being a mom isn't always fun, I see Rowan and I reminded that she is my miracle. So many things could have happened and gone wrong, but God always prevails. I look at those beautiful almond eyes, those chubby hands, and hear that precious laugh, and feel thankful for my baby girl. The sometimes fits and sassy personality can be tough, but this time of her life is fleeting. I don't ever want to take her for granted. She truly has changed my life for the better and is my biggest blessing! Okay, I am crying now and this NEEDS to be lightened up, STAT! So here we go....

Age:18 months, 16.5 months (ADJUSTED AGE)

Weight and clothing size: 
Rowan is a sturdy 28 pounds, and still has her yummy rolls. About to bust through size 4 diapers (I'm thinking we maybe have a month before we should move). Depending on the brand she can be between  18/24 months (Gap and Old Navy), or 3T in other brands (Target and Carters, instagram shops). Pants FOR SURE have to be at the very least 3T, she has some very big glutes!

Rowan is starting to get more pickier, but for the most part eats decently well and with good portions. She really has been enjoying meatballs, pretzels and fruit pouches.

Rowan can:
-can sign mama, thank you, more, please, mama, deer, wind, rain and milk. It helps her father is fluent in ASL, but she legitimately picks it up quickly!

-If you ask her if she has a "poopy diaper" she will frantically look around and pull up her shirt, LOL!

-knows parts of her body when asked

-trying to say "yes" when you ask her something. It starts off as a "hmm" and then sounds more like an "uh huh"

-is good at climbing things (much to my dismay), but also is good at carefully lowering herself down.Thanks MyGym!

- learning to say "manzana" (apple) which sounds more like "manana". She also is getting better at saying "agua" (water) which sounds like "aaaaaaawaaahhh". She doesn't say a ton of words, which sometimes worries me. However, she babbles CONSTANTLY and says strings of sounds together, which leads me to believe she may be working on some stuff. I know I will regret this worry when she is 3 and won't stop talking, LOL!

-If I am in another room and I call to her, she will come over to where I am.

Rowan loves:

-to color! Seriously, she screams with joy if you give her a crayon or marker. She loves to make long scribbles, doodles, and small lines when given paper. We have to watch that she doesn't eat them!

-loves fruit pouches, but boy, we have to be careful. They cause MAJOR crazy poo, especially anything apple! We learned the hard way while we were driving down to Disneyland.

Rowan doesn't like
 -loud, shrill noises

-being dropped off in nursery. However, if there is a male nursery worker, she calms down almost immediately. Oh Rowan.

-doesn't like it when mommy cooks. This is when she magically becomes clingy and whiny. I usually will almost always pick her up, since I love the cuddles. But man, it takes me forever to cook! I am learning how to make my lille carrier into a back pack! Hopefully that helps.

-hates when meal time is over, or when she's done with her favorite foods. She will scream and throw  a fit. 

 Sleeping schedule:
Her sleep got majorly disrupted thanks to Disneyland this month. However, this girl takes her sleep with stride and is pretty flexible. We were so fortunate she easily slipped back into her routine once she was home. I am sure she was glad to, it was tiring! Girl does love her sleep! I know we are so lucky in this department. I am certain if we have another baby someday, it may definitely not be like this! I am savoring it while we can!

 New happenings this month:

-We went to Disneyland!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We went with two friends of ours and with my friend's little son. It was pretty packed, and the heat was horrific. LA was going through a freak of nature heat wave, with VERY HIGH humidity. It was awful. Despite all that, we did our best to have fun anyway. ROwan was much fussier this trip, but mainly because she was so hot. Don't blame her!

-We took our 2nd annual Potter family trip to Fog Willow pumpkin patch! It was so much fun, and they even have animals! Rowan joyfully screamed at those poor animals and was livid when we had to leave.

-To piggy back off the first two, we spent 2 glorious weeks together thanks to our fall break. I loved getting a change to play "stay at home" mama. The working mom guilt is unreal and awful, so I treasure these breaks so much!

Crazy a year and half has gone by! Love you forever Rowan! 

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