Thursday, October 1, 2015

Happy 17 months Rowan1

Annnnnddddddd as usual, I am basically so unbelievably late with this post. Along with this post, I have about 3-4 blog posts that need to be finished and published. SIGH...thank God this isn't my regular job. I'd probably be fired  :(

Back to Rowan....17 months. Holy cow. Honestly, I feel like I was just pregnant with her, now we are on the brink of having a 1.5 year old. This month has been another great one for our little babe. I am learning more about her and her very funny personality. I am so thankful she is mine!

Age:17 months, 15.5 months (ADJUSTED AGE)

Weight and clothing size: 
My pretty babe is 27 pounds. I am loving and savoring all those chubby rolls!!! She is wearing 3T but can still wear 18-24 months in Old Navy and Gap clothes, since they ACTUALLY size their clothes to the age that they state, lol.

My baby will now eat meat as long as it's tasty, LOL!!! Don't blame her! Now likes pasta, but starting to not love veggies as much, UGH! From time to time we make homemade pizza and calzones, and she SCREAMS for joy as she eats it. Its hilarious!

Rowan can:
-can sign "mama" in sign language, mastering how to say thank you. Also does more, please, all done.

-Has about 12 teeth, holy cow!!!!

-tries to open door knobs....oh boy.

-Starting to put puzzles together, likes to stack blocks on this stick thing she has. Not to be braggy but she is very good at her fine motor skills and picks up on things of that nature pretty quickly.

-does a lot of pretend playing like "cooking", stirring pots and pans, and pretending to taste what she is "making"

-Starting to feed herself with a spoon and fork. She's getting good at it! I think it helps that she does that a lot when she plays in her kitchen.

-likes to help by handing us things we need (like shoes, clothes)

-NO walking as of  now. However, no one Doctor wise is concerned. She does have some low muscle tone, which can make walking harder. I can't help but feel worried, but if they aren't, I suppose I shouldn't be either. She is starting to walk more comfortably only holding one of our hands. I'm feeling she is so close. A lot of the issue is that she is stubborn and doesn't seem very interested. Good grief.

-Can identify cow, sheep, pig, bees, and dogs when asked.

Rowan loves:

-OBSESSED with books. She will sit for chunks at a time going through her books. Of course, we read as much as we possibly can with her.

-loves playing with remotes and pressing every button imaginable.

-loves to hug and kiss her "babies" (aka stuffed toys).

Rowan doesn't like
 -when I take her away from daddy (like when I need to take her to my mom's). She is SUCH a daddy's girl. I get jealous, LOL!!

-gets angry if you take one of her remotes away 

-Rowan is getting into the lovely stage of toddler tantrums. If you take things from her that she shouldn't have, she loses her mind. 

-Still doesn't like loud, shrill noises. 

 Sleeping schedule:
Sleep is still decent, thank God. From time to time she will cry in her sleep but most of the time she is fine. 

 New happenings this month:
Since school started back up, we haven't had an eventful month. She caught bronchiolitis BAD this month and almost was sent to the hospital. Good GRIEF! Thankfully she bounced back quicker but still, my heart was a hot freaking mess!

We are one day away from a 2 week break! Thank you JESUS! I look forward to cuddles and time with my girl. We are also going to Disneyland in a week and half, YAY!!!! I also am super looking forward to the holidays with the girl. I think now that she's a little older it will be even more fun!

Obligatory Rowan dump:

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