Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Happy 2 months Rowan!

How the heck is my precious baby already 2 months! AHHH!!!! She turned 2 months last Thursday.

I am amazed on her growth and boy, this girl is chubbing up! Those who know me, know I LOVE chubby babies. I love that my girl is getting so chubtastic! She has rolls for days and she is just yummy!! Now bear in mind if she wasn't chubby, I wouldn't care, OF COURSE.

It has been a wild 2 months and I feel like we are all starting to get used to each other. Rowan is a a very sweet girl who has quite the personality.  I keep being told she has my personality which may be scary because it will be a clash of the drama queens, LOL!!!!

Here is an update on my baby:

Name: Rowan Decaris Potter

Rowan's age: 2 months. Preemie age is technically 3.5 weeks, but heck, her preemie status ain't slowing her down! Based off of what I have been reading, she is doing what a term 2 month baby would be doing! The real test is those big milestones like sitting up, etc. However, I am not stressing!

Nicknames: Petunia, pickles, kitty (when she cries she sometimes sounds like a kitty), RoDecar, Ro Po (my favorite from Uncle Ben), Miss Ro

Rowan can: lift her neck higher! She also turns her head side to side, on her back AND tummy. She loves to track things and loves bright shapes and colors. She loves to kick and hit the animals on her playmat. She is starting to smile, and sometimes breaks out into these giant grins at the ceiling. I wonder if she sees her grandparents!  Despite her loathing of tummy time, she kicks a ton and moves so much. It looks like she is about to crawl! She also discovered sucking on her fist. I thought it was a hunger thing, but after a hearty meal, she still does it!

Rowan loves: to be naked,  EAT EAT EAT (drinking  4 oz now), being on her playmat, and cuddling! She also loves give open mouth kisses on mommy and daddy's cheeks!

Rowan doesn't like: tummy time (ooh the screams!), sleeping on her back, farting, and baths. Daddy says she better get used to it, since she will be a swimmer and water polo player like her parents, haha!

Rowan's weight: At her appointment last Thursday, she weighs10 pounds! Yesterday she nearly weighs 10 and half pounds! She is no longer on the preemie weight chart because she is such a big girl!

Chub?: Yes, yes, yes! What a yummy girl!

How is Rowan's spit up?: Well, with our Dr's blessing, we changed her formula to Enfamil AR. Wow, our lives are forever changed. Her spit ups are very minor, and she isn't fazed by the spit ups in the least. It seems a lot gentler on her tummy and she is overall MUCH happier!

Sleeping at night?: NOPE! Wow where do I begin? Well, we had a crazy sleep plan and I wasn't having it much longer. I am not a fan of co sleeping (no offense, it is not for us) but the only way she would sleep soundly is in a sleeper wedge thing between us. We had a week of bliss but we decided we don't want a baby in our bed. We also want to have her more on a set schedule and I wanted to start sleeping training her. We moved her to her crib and wow, it was tough! Rowan has HUGE startle reflex and it wakes her up and pisses her off. It has been an adjustment. She used to wake up once a night to eat and would usually fall back asleep quickly. Well, its been harder now since we are trying to get her sleeping in her crib. Rowan HATES sleeping on her back and sleeps wonderfully on her tummy. However, I am petrified of SIDS. So...what to do. She sleeps swaddled on her back in her rock and play in her room. So far its working. We have had some rough nights where she blows up her diaper and because of that, she is wide awake and wants to play. She also gets angry about spitting out her pacifier and will still scream and squeak in her sleep. I sometimes let her fuss/cry it out (max 10 min, if that)  but I don't let her go long just because she is still little and can't have such big expectations for her.  However, at the end of the day we are the boss and we are going to keep working on it. . However, I must say, I am tired!

Naps? Despite the above, she actually naps well! She takes 2-3 naps, about 1.5 hr each. We play for at least over an hour and it tuckers her out so much I barely have to rock her.

Rowan's personality so far: Rowan is so sweet. She is a generally happy, easy going baby. We are blessed! However, she already has a bit of a sassy personality. If she doesn't like something, she lets you know! She seems to know what she wants! Oh dear...

A photo dump of our pretty girl:

We love you so much Rowan Potter!!!

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