Friday, November 15, 2013

The biggest suprise of my life...a round up of 12 weeks


As you have all heard, yes, this Potter is having a muggle.

I still can't believe (God willing everything continues to be smooth) that I will be a mother in 6 months.

As you know, I have put off being a mommy for a long time, and that was my choice. That in itself is a whole other post. However, I decided to take a leap of faith and God truly, has blessed us with a miracle, our baby!!! I am very well aware of that I am very lucky we were able to conceive, as there are many people in my life that have struggled or currently are struggling. I don't take this pregnancy for granted, not even for a minute. I feel like I cry tears of joy (lol hormones) everyday and I am so thankful!

I'm officially 12 weeks 4 days pregnant as of today, woo hoo! To do a round up of my first trimester (since I know y'all are chomping at the bit, LOL!) , I will go over it section by section.

How I found out: I found out I was preggo on my mom's bday, September 22nd. I was one day late (LOL) but I felt something was different. So that night, I took a test and immediately, it said pregnant. WHOA.

How hubs found out:
I know lots of gals do cutesy things but I was so shocked that I somehow wandered in the kitchen and silently showed him. He looked at it and literally slapped it away. Not that he wasn't happy, but he was stunned and he wanted so badly to be a dad that he JUST couldn't believe it. After 5 minutes of shock, we cried tears of joy and we hugged. I then was like "now what?" I got on the phone with Kaiser, and they talked to me about the next steps.

Morning sickness? Nausea? How did you feel?:  Some people are going to hate my guts, but for the most part, I felt/feel great! I  OF COURSE was tired, had sore boobs, etc. But as far as morning sickness goes, I felt great! There were a few times I felt super nauseated, but it was totally not that bad. I also realized how insanely blessed I was in this department. HOWEVER...I did experience a lot of crazy, painful cramping that sent me into a nervous tailspin. It was painful!!! Turns out as long as there was no bleeding, this is fairly normal.

Cravings? Aversions?: I have been craving starbursts, but nothing really crazy. Meat, olives (lol), bacon and even salad disgusted me. Sadly, at one of my favorite breakfast places, I couldn't even eat my favorite scramble. It grossed me out, LOL!

Tummy: I'm in that super awkward stage where I look fat. I wasn't a super skinny minny to begin with, so I just look, well chubs. However, I have noticed in the last day or two my lower part of my stomach getting tight. I would love to just pop so I'm not so chub lookin' LOL!

Wearing maternity clothes yet?: No, but I would think it would be too early? However, yesterday I bought 2  pretty, white flowy shirts, as my clothes are starting to feel tight. I still can wear my jeans no prob, but I just can't button them! My sister was a life saver and gave me a bella band that has made me feel so much better!!

How are the hormones?: Holy crap. I cry at everything. I am soooooooooo emotional. I feel so bad for hubs!!!

How did the families find out?: Now that was fun! We decided to wait to tell everyone till I was almost 12 weeks. That was so dang hard. It was so worth it though! For each side of the family, we bought a cake and put a bump picture on top! I will have to post the videos. The reactions are priceless! It was SO fun to surprise them!

Are you finding out? If so, when?: Heck yeah we are finding out!!! I'm not one of those people who can just wait. I have very gender specific nursery ideas, and I just want to know!! When we do find out, it will be on January 15th to be exact. I have to drink an ocean prior (not looking forward to that) and hopefully muggle is cooperative. We are also wanting to have a gender revealing party!

Well, can't think of too much more! I am just filled with joy at being pregnant! Thank you Jesus for this miracle! Here is our little muggle! I love him/her already!
     Our precious muggle at 6 weeks, 3 days

    Precious muggle at 10 weeks!!! I'm so amazed!! God is so good!!!!

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