Thursday, April 1, 2010

engagements, weddings and babies, oh my!!

Well hello all...

I have been noticing there has been a huge plethora of engagements, weddings and lots 'o' babies. I am really enjoying this "season" of life, and these are such beautiful celebrations. I reminded of that verse in Ecclesiastes 3:1 There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.
I am grateful this is a season of such wonderful things going on in people's lives. It seems with this economy and job force, there is a lot of gloom but yet so much to shared and celebrated. I am very excited for my friends and acquiantances that are engaged, justhad weddings/newlyweds (me included, yay!!!!!), and my expecting friends. I have truly enjoyed sharing in the joy with these people. It makes my heart happy.

Now...onto my second part of my bloggeroo about pregnancy and babies. Just as a disclaimer, no, I am not annoucing anything, lol!!!
With preggo ladies, I know about 20 girls that are expecting/JUST had babies. Some are friends, "sisters", old college acquaintances, work pals, and family. And of course, I get the typical "So, when are YOU having kids?" I think if I had a dime every time I heard this question, I probably wouldn't have to work anymore. I jokingly say I still want my freedom, and people chuckle. I would like to wait at least another half a year to a year. I still like having just Shannon and I. I must admit with my two "sisters" (yay Kristen and Jessica!!!) who are having babies, I have felt, well, why not??? I love the idea of having abeach ball under my shirt, wearing some fun maternity clothes (they are gettting very cute!!) and ultimately, having a beautiful baby girl/boy in my arms. But for now, I am enjoying my time of life and I will just enjoy spoiling the crap out of all the other beautiful babies in my life :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh boy, I am just now reading your blogs and thought I HAD to comment on this one. Brian and I spent our first year of marriage trying, unsuccessfully, to get pregnant. About a month after our first anniversary is when we found out we were expecting. I remember feeling so sad and anxious when we had trouble conceiving. I feel like it consumed a lot of our first year together as husband and wife. And oh boy, once that baby gets here kiss hubby and wife time goodbye. Now, that being said, I enjoy my son so much. He is a beautiful, funny little creature and every time I look at him I cannot believe I made him. I guess my point, as I sense I am rambling, is enjoy your special time as newlyweds while you can. It is such an amazing time in your life and you get to experience so much that you will never have a chance to again. I know how annoying it is when a million and one people ask you when you plan on becoming a mother (and it sucks even more when you are doing everything you can to become one, but it just isnt the right time) but know that everyone asks because they can't wait to see what amazing little bundle you will make.

    Enjoy all the babies around you and know that the more time you have as hubby and wife will make you that much better a daddy and mommy. <3
