Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Happy 7 months Rowan!!!

Not a fan that Rowan is 7 months! I am not okay with time flying this fast! I am trying to hang on to every second and absorb it, but it still goes by too fast. This past Monday was world prematurity week . It made me reflect on our journey and I just felt so insanely thankful for my healthy, wonderful girl. Rowan has brought so much light in to our lives and we couldn't be happier.

Name: Rowan Decaris Potter
Rowan's age: 7 months old, 5.5 months adjusted age

Weight: We weighed yesterday, she weighs 18.14 pounds. Holy heavens. We always joke about what happened to our tiny NICU baby, LOL! This girl sure flourished in the weight department! This girl has rolls for days. Poor babe, she gets gently squeezed and kissed like every 2 seconds. I can't help it! I love my chunkette!

Solids?  Yes! We started about 2 weeks ago, because I was getting impatient! She has excellent head control like her termie friends and is so much more independent. She went through major constipation issues, so we did prunes and oatmeal, despite I wanted to do veggies first. And oh boy, this baby loves to eat! She gets annoyed when we don't move fast enough! This week we will start veggies.

Clothing size: Well, 9 months are getting TOO small, yikes! She is still in size 3 diapers, and totally wears 12 month clothing. She can wear 9 month dresses still. However...when it comes to pants she has to wear at least 18 months, because she has really huge thighs!18 is the way to go! Still has the tiniest feet in the world. I am dying to replenish her shoe collection, but its a lost cause because they just fall off!

Rowan milestones (for her adjusted age, 5.5 months):

-Rowan is sitting with MUCH more confidence. She can't sit up for a long time, but can easily sit for a few minutes before doing a "timber" fall. She is learning to put her hands on the floor to steady herself as well.

-Rowan is now starting to bring her knees up while on her tummy. Maybe crawling is in the near future? I am trying to not worry about crawling. I have heard some babies skip crawling altogether, and that's okay. 

-Rowan is into throwing now! Not fun when she throws her prized paci on the grocery store floor. Yuck!   

-Rowan is a pro at grabbing, passing toys from hand to hand, and putting her paci in her mouth. She grabs EVERYTHING now. Even faces and it hurts!

- I think we officially have a teether. She is beyond drooly, gums are super swollen and bumpy. She has been a bit of a fussy butt, so I think something may sprout in the near future! 

Rowan loves

-her food! She is eating about 6 oz most bottles, 8 oz at bedtime.

-our house alarm. Yes, that's weird. However, we walk by the hallway and she will throw herself to try and touch the buttons, flick the alarm cover, etc. She will scream with delight. I guess we didn't need to buy toys since the alarm does the trick!

-Loves to scream! She was loud already, but now joyfully screams at the top of her lungs. She is SUPER into blowing raspberries, which is hysterical and so cute.

-music and books. She LOVES music and for you to sing to her. She also is loving her books! This makes my teacher heart so happy!

Rowan doesn't like: Being burped

New/fun things we did this month:

- A huge thing this month was her baby dedication! We dedicated her in front of the church and it was so special! Our friend Kevin Brown who is one of the pastors dedicated her. This was extremely important to us as our faith is our world. We are committed to raising her in the church, and that she can grow to be a woman of faith! Truly a special day for all!

-We have gone to some newer places, like Old Town Sac, Apple hill, and various pumpkin patches. It is so fun to expose her to our world and see her reactions

-Halloween was a success! We got together with some of our friends and their littles. Rowan's costume was a DIY and as a HUGE NOD to our obession with Star Wars, she was Princess Leia!

-We finally got around to our first playdate, with my dear friend Vanessa and her sweet baby Elyse! So much fun! Vanessa is one of my college sisters, and we were both pregnant at the same time! It was so fun! We are currently trying to set up more playdates, they are so fun for baby and mom too, lol!

- We did kind of a crazy thing, and purchased a "big kid" camera, lol! We purchased a really nice one for a good price. With that, we have been able to take some super nice pictures of Rowan. Now that we have it, do we plan on being photographers? LOL no! However, with this investment, we are hoping to not have to use a photographer anymore and just do it ourselves. Hubby is hoping to take a class or two so he can better learn how to use the camera.  Here's some of my favorites:

How is Rowan's spit up?: Pretty much going away now. Amazing how a growing, maturing baby makes a world of a difference

Knocking on wood as I type....Rowan is in bed by 7-7:15ish. Beforehand she eats some solids, bathes, and has a bottle. She will sleep till about 5 am, will sometimes play and fall back asleep. She then will sometimes wake up closer to 6. Lately she has been more squeaky at night, but I think that has been due to her teeth. Even then, she is still asleep. We are feeling slightly more rested, which is great! And yes I know, their sleep changes at a drop of a hat!

She is GREAT with my mom. When she is home on the weekend, she fights on naps. I think she knows she at home with her parents and just wants to play! Thankfully she eventually does take them!

Rowan's personality so far: 
I feel the best word to describe her is joyful. She is such a happy, cuddly, sweet baby girl. I couldn't be more happier having her in our lives. She is super funny and very silly! She has a STRONG personality, and it will show when she gets upset

 We love you forever  sweet Rowan!!!

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