Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Happy 9 months Rowan!!!!

What a month it has been! 9 months have flown quicker than I would have liked. This month was huge for my precious girl. Each month she has achieved some sort of milestone or discovery, but this month, she truly blossomed. For example, she said "mama" and "dada" this month! She is going from my precious little infant to my big girl! I am a little sad about this!

To be honest, I cried the other day at the thought of her turning one. I LOVE babies, and I savored and loved this time of her life. I know I will never get it back. I also have been so nervous of the toddler years, which I have heard is HARD. Sigh, let's enjoy the present!

Here we go!

Name: Rowan Decaris Potter
Rowan's age: 9 months old, 7.5 months adjusted

Weight: This girl is huge and stands at 21.10 pounds of chunky goodness. I just love it so much, I just love chubby babies!! I can't get enough of her!

Solids?  Yes! This girl has LOVED every fruit and veggie we have given her, LOL!!!! Drinks four 6 oz bottles throughout the day.

Clothing size: 18 month clothing for this girl! She still wears some 12 months, but we are fitting much more nicely in 18. Size 24 months or 2T in pants, LOL! Those chubby thighs are no joke!  Still in size 3 diapers, but we might have to slowly transition to size 4 soon, as size 3 is a bit tight. Still the tiniest feet in the land!

Rowan milestones (for her adjusted age, 7.5 months):

-Rowan is THISCLOSE to crawling. She gets up and moves her legs up but hasn't totally mastered it. She did scoot backwards! To move, she slithers on her belly, roll super fast or will spin on her belly, LOL!  According to her therapist, she is right on track and kindly reminded me that some babies don't even crawl till 10 months, some don't at all! As much as I want her to achieve this milestone, I am not super rushing it as that means BABY PROOFING. Gulp.
-Rowan has always been very verbal, and babbles LOUDLY AND CONSTANTLY. However, she said "Dada" and "Mama" very clearly this month. It could be chalked up to babbling, but during a shopping trip at Target, she looked right at me and said "mama" with a smile. This makes my heart so happy!!!

-Rowan is starting to clap! When she sees something she likes or gets excited, she will clap her hands together. It's so precious!
-Rowan is also starting to wave. If you wave at her, she will lift her hand and will try to wiggle her fingers.

-Rowan "dances" when held, lol. She will bounce up and down and move her tushy, lol. 

 Rowan loves
-Any toy that plays music or lights up. She gets so excited!

-LOVES her wubnub paci. That thing has saved our lives so many times!

-any sort of lights. Christmas was so fun looking at lights and any type of light makes her squeal

-she loves being outdoors and in public. She loves watching people, and gets easily intrigued by everything.

-she loves her big ol' baby doll. She got one from my mom for Christmas and adores it! She thinks big ol' baby is real, lmao!

Rowan doesn't like:
-the dreaded nose Frida. Her mortal enemy.

-LOUD NOISES. Despite being a super loud girl herself, she doesn't LIKE any shrill, loud noises.

New/fun things we did this month:

-We did an overnight trip to the bay and met up with my bff and her family. It was so fun and Rowan did a great job! I am so thankful she loves to travel!

-CHRISTMAS! Gosh it was so fun!

Honestly, not a whole ton, as Rowan ONCE AGAIN caught bronchiolitis. SIGH! However, I feel we caught it early and since we knew how to treat it, it didn't seem so severe. Despite being sick, this girl is a trooper!

How is Rowan's spit up?: Practically non-existent!
Sleep has been disrupted because she has had many coughing fits at night that wake her up. Poor babe! We are now back on track and she sleeps straight through from 7:30-5:30, sometimes 6 am. I am so happy about this, but makes for tough weekends when she doesn't get the memo that we don't have to be up that early. Oh well, not complaining! 

3 naps, a short AM nap (40 minutes), a mid morning nap that lasts about 2 hours, and 1 late afternoon nap (30 minutes-1 hour)

Rowan's personality so far: 
Rowan is seriously such a good baby! She is super easy going and goes with the flow, just like her "dada". Despite she is a mover and shaker, she is so cuddly. I try to savor those cuddles and nibble those yummy cheeks!  I am so thankful to be the mother of this fabulous baby girl!

My Rowan dump:

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