Sunday, January 18, 2015

catch up series: 6 month pictures and the diva

Haha, her 6 month pictures made it into the catch up series!

Back in late October,  we set out to take her 6 month pictures. We were also going to take our fall pictures at the same time. We once again used the fabulous Jamie Cardoza.

We took our pictures at West 12 Ranch in Lodi, which is seriously the most perfect place to take pictures. I was nervous about how Rowan would be, as babies are unpredictable at times. Sure enough, she was miss grumpy, and was very serious.

The shoot started off well. Despite being a grump (especially in the first pic) she warmed up:

Then, Jamie incorporated us into the shots...but that's when the s%$# hit the fan. There is one picture where Shannon had to lift Rowan so we could look at her. Apparently, she DID NOT find that amusing, which hence came the biggest meltdown/temper tantrum in history. Holy heavens. All because Daddy lifted her in the air.

This is the offending picture. You can even see her little face is clearly displeased:

The embarrassing thing, was there were tons of families doing shoots. She was screaming so loudly, and people were looking at us. I know, I know, I shouldn't care, but I did. A baby boy her age was doing his shoot and he was sitting perfectly, cooing and giving these best smiles. I magically got boiling hot and sweaty as I was trying to wrangle my chubby, screaming 6 month old who at the same time, was trying to rip my hair out.

Us newbies forgot her paci in the car, so hubby ran to go get it. Miraculously, she stopped crying. However, the minute she saw her father, she screamed at him and proceeded to cry. Almost like she did it on purpose because she saw him, LOL!

After 20 minutes of incessant screaming, stares from strangers, and us about to lose our minds, our awesome photog wisely advised maybe we try again later. We packed up our crazy diva, and went home.

About a week later during the first part of Thanksgiving break, we met again. This time we met after her first morning nap. Hubby and I wore the same outfits, Rowan wore different ones. This was Rowan during this shoot, thank goodness!:

It was a good thing to meet in the morning and Rowan did loads better. However, she scares me! She is SUCH a happy, sweet, joyful baby, BUT when she gets mad, lookout! I am SO nervous for the 2's and 3's. Anyway, the shoot turned out amazing and we are so thankful to Jamie Cardoza Photography for being so flexible and doing such a great job! What did I learn? BE FLEXIBLE. Babies clearly have their own agenda at times, and flexibility is key!! Here are some of my faves.....

1 comment:

  1. What a little chubster!! She is SO cute. I'm loving her fur vest :)
