Sunday, December 19, 2010
Table hijinks
One student in particular comes to mind, and it is sweet little Juanid (pronounce JA-NED)
I wish I could post his picture from the ones I took for their school project. But, since my blog is public and I didn't ask for his parents permission, I can't do it. Anyway, Juanid is this tiny little thing, from Pakistan, doesn't know English (still learning) but has a personality the size of Texas and a voice that is VERY loud.
Juanid cracks me up. He doesn't know much English but is learning fast. I crack up because he likes to imitate myself and the students in a loud, yelling voice. I can't help but laugh, he is too darn funny.
So, last Friday, we had our class party. The kids were literally in a sugar coma with the over abundance of cookies, drinks, chips, and cupcakes (I know, I know , I am a bad teacher for feeding them junk). They were so cute, eating and talking to their little friends. Anyway, as I am walking around the room, I see Juanid with his head down. I noticed his cupcake with red frosting was toppled over, which meant frosting was all over his part of the table. Then, getting closer, I see him furiously licking the table, covering a huge part of the table in saliva and red frosting.
EW. The germaphobe in me says "no no no no no!" since everything in elementary school, no matter how much you clean, is covered in germs.
Juanid proceeds to look up, with frosting all over his hair, all over his face and the top part of his shirt. He looks up at me, with a look like he is high on sugar, lol.
I can't help but laugh. This kid is too much. I try to explain that next time, he should use the huge napkin I set out for him. He looks at me, gives me the biggest smile and says "ya ya!!!" and runs off to the sink.
Despite the challenges of being a teacher, these moments are the best part of my job. Too funny!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Overall, looking at it more closely now, I feel sad as I see this picture of myself. It hurts.
You see, this was a very hard time in my life. Junior high is not really an easy time for anyone, but it was especially hard for me. I was heavily bullied throughout junior high, especially in the 8th grade. At the time the picture was taken, it was pretty bad. It was one individual who took sheer joy in torturing me with her harsh, cruel words, for example one of her favorite sayings was threatening to beat me up everyday as I walked to school, which made me beyond petrified to leave my house. I was called ugly, worthless and a slew of other things that just tore me to shreds.
It got to the point where I would be afraid to walk certain parts of my school, and I would fake being sick, because it was too much. I didn't say anything to my parents, adminstrators or teachers, because I was afraid of what could happen. It got so bad that I finally broke down and told my parents, who were devastated but took action. I can't even imagine how much it must have hurt them, I think of my nieces or nephews being in that position and it makes me want to cry on the spot. From that point on, administrators and the whole nine yards got involved and thankfully, it all stopped and the rest of my school experience was MUCH better.
As I look at this picture, I see a girl who had no self esteem, and who was very insecure. It makes me sad. I hate bullying. I have shared this very story to many of my students, who are very suprised to hear about my story. I share to shed some light that words truly and sincerely hurt. As a teacher, there is a no bullying zone in my classroom. I will call out kids out on the spot if I ever see it happen and even on the playground.
As I reflect on this time of my life, I can't help but think of my best friend, Kristen. At the time this was going on, my family moved churches and I unwillingly started to go. Thank you God we did. I met a sweet, fun cheerleader who would turn to my best friend of 14 years and has become more like a sister to me. Kristen, as well as the rest of the youth group, truly brought a sense of joy in my life. I was able to get closer and lean on Christ, and Kristen was an amazing friend through this horrendous ordeal. I was able to see that there were still good, sweet kind people, and I was accepted by this amazing group of kids.
As 14 or so years have passed since this picture, I must say a lot has changed. Thankfully, I can do my hair and make up better (hee hee), and have a MUCH better fashion sense. I am glad I was able to move on from that yucky part of my life and come out stronger. Without going through it, I never would have met my amazing Kristen =)
Monday, November 15, 2010
Wifey attempting to be healthier
Mine started in college.
You see, in high school, I weighed between 100-105 pounds, was between a size 1-2, was pretty athletic, and I had no curves ( I know, it makes me sick too). I joked I looked like a boy because I had no boobs or hips. Then, as I was approaching college, the dreaded freshman 15 myth was rolling around, but I certainly didn't think that would be my problem. Long story short, in college, boom, the weight came. No, it wasn't like I gained 30 pounds, but it was a bit shocking at first. I do credit that I got my boobies and hips, lol!!! Then as life progressed, my life of once being a size 1-2 again was VERY much l0ng gone.
Now, flashfoward a few years. Many wives have told me that newly fresh wifeys sometimes gain weight for whatever reason (I am saying sometimes because maybe some wifeys are blessed to not deal with this, lol). Ugh, please don't let that be true, but sure enough it is TRUE!!! (okay, maybe not for everyone). I don't know what it is but yeah, not liking it at all....
So I am doing something about it.
I have decided to do it the old fashioned way, simply watching what I eat and excercising regularly. My problem is I am not consistent, especially in the gym area. However, hubs has become my gym partner and its gotten easier. My other nemesis is food. I have always struggled with eating healthy. Now its starting to get a bit easier.
So far I have "lost" about 4 pounds, however, it goes up and down because I literally eat a well balanced meal and I have gained a pound, so screw the scale. I don't know if I have "really" lost anything but I have noticed my clothes are more loose and I physically feel better. Food isn't such a struggle now. I recently had a burger for the first time in weeks and it was hard to finish it. I found myself wanting fruit....let's hope this lasts!!!
Cooking has become a lot better. I am OBSSESSED with this site: I have advertised it often, but really, its fab. I will be posting recipes that I try from the site, so be prepared....
I am happy with these small changes and I am starting to feel better. Do I want to be a size zero and 100 pounds? No, not at all. Bottom line, its important that I stay healthy and live a balanced, healthy life =)
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
The Unthinkable....
Now, I am starting to get used to little ones come up from behind and tapping my leg or tugging on my shirt if they need my attention (once, one of them actually tapped my butt) , laugh when they say "Mrs. Pawtoh" (cute lisps!), realize that singing for everything keeps them super engaged and that understanding a 5 year old mentality gets a little easier as each daygoes by. However, I was not prepared for what happened today.
I got the kids settled into their worksheet, we finished it as a whole class and lastly, they were to color part of their worksheet. It gives me about a 5 minute break before I start hearing "Mrs. Pawtoh, I am DOOONNNNEEE!!!!" so, I am roaming around my classroom when I notice a brown ball on the ground. I didn't think much of initally, simply because the floor does get littered as the day goes on with everything we do. However, something in me says to pick it up with a tissue. I proceed to do so and I notice it smells.
Like, really really bad.
Yup, "Mrs. Pawto" just picked up poop.
The Potter Wife, aka OCD germaphobe, FREAKS out!!!!!!!!!!!! EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
Despite it was in the tissue, I wash my hands furiously. I take disfectant and clean a huge quadrant because I am sooooooooooooo freaked out. Then, I got a mad woman hunt to see if there are more posionous brown balls. Luckily, everything else for face value was okay.
I share my horrendous story to another kinder teacher. She said, "Welcome to kindergarten! Once, a kid had diarrhea apparently, and was having an accident as they were going down the slide at recess".
WHAAAT????? I stare at her disgusted.
What a poopy day. I am still so grossed out, lol
Monday, October 18, 2010
Picky Shannon
My husband, hands down, is the pickiest eater in the world. Those who know and love him would say an amen to that. He hates everything. Really.
Besides the normal dislikes, such as fish, onions, etc, he doesn't like a huge majority of foods you and I love dearly. Also, if you make him meat, it might as well be burnt, as he can't stand anything with a twinge of pink. And to make him even more crazier, he doesn't like sweets. Yep, you heard me right. I will say however, out of all the delicious, tasty, amazing desserts, he would prefer to have a chocolate pie, you know, the kind of filling you buy as pudding in the box. Sheesh...
I must admit I was a nervous when I married my hubs, as I had a huge challenge ahead of me. People would jokingly give advice. However, I must say the wife has done good. For the exeception of one or two meals (HAHA) it gives me great joy to see my husband happily digging into his food and even loading up his plate for seconds. Today I made a healthy turkey meatloaf and I was nervous for his reaction. He loved it and loaded up his plate for more. I must say as I wife, I make myself proud =). Random post, I know, but it is the life of the Potter's wife =)
Sunday, October 10, 2010
The wife has been a bit lazy....
This week means a new beginning, as I will be teaching kinder. I have realized I am so over with worrying over the school drama. Every year oodles of us teachers get "pink slipped" and yet every year, God has been so faithful and has ALWAYS provided. I am grateful that myself and so many other Lodi teachers got rehired. God is good. We will see how it turns out....
Hubs and I are now embarking on our second year of marriage. Again, God is good. So far, we have weathered many storms and we still come out on top. I love how he still makes me laugh whenI don't want to, is patient, understanding and overall, amazing. He is definitely easy on the eyes too ;0)
It has been a good year of marriage and I have learned so much, like don't hog the sheets, its okay if dishes are left in the sink by the end of the night, that its okay to call mom whenI need advice on a recipe, that there is perfectly acceptable to have oodles of decorations for each and every holiday (my house is "halloweened" out) and its perfectly fine to consider homegoods a second home, that my husband probably won't understand my love for things like sky high heels, Sex and the City and Sephora, and accept that Chipotle is my husband's second wife (LOL).
I am looking forward to this upcoming year, and seeing where it takes us....
Monday, September 20, 2010
a year
Its finally been one year. I meant to post yesterday but with all the anniversary fun I haven't gotten around to it.
Its amazing I have been married to this guy for a whole whopping year. Its been one fun ride to say the least!!
I have enjoyed this journey this past year and hope to enjoy a million more. I have learned so much about trying to be a good wife to my Shan. I love love love being a wife.
This year we have had huge highs and some lowish lows (thanks to budget cuts and losing jobbies) but if anything else, we have gotten even more closer and in love. Its been one fabulous year.
We watched our wedding video last night. Needless to say I bawled watching it, lol. It was such a wonderful and beautiful time in our lives. I loved everything about our beautiful day, but the journey this year as husband and wife has proven to be even more wonderful and amazing.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
The Potter wife reflects
I am feeling overly sentimental because in 3ish days, its our one year anniversary of being a Potter's wife!! So, my blogs might be wedding/anniversary related, so I hope you can deal =)
I am laughing at myself as I write this...I have my hair wrapped in those hair towels, got my jammies on, bachelor pad is playing the background and hubbies went to bed.
Last year at this exact time, I was with some of my favorite girls, getting ready to have night out on the town for my how time changes things! =)
Last year on this day was our rehearsal and rehearsal dinner. We did it two days before the wedding, so we could have all day Friday to do our stuff. HIGHLY reccommended as I felt so less crazy (well, kinda) the night before =)
I remember this day last year, I worked a half day. I hugged my then firsties good bye and headed to the church to drop off some stuff. I later went to walmart for I can't even remember and genius me locked my keys in my trunk. I pretty much had a meltdown. Thank god for my dear pals, Jessica and Jared, who immediately came to my rescue, got an extra set from mom and saved the day.
We decorated the church which went well, and our rehearsal began. I remember that excitement that my big day was just days away. We rehearsed a good number of times and then had a good ol' fun pizza, soda and beer rehearsal dinner. Nothing fancy, just laid back and fun, just how we like it!
I remember that whole part week/weekend of our wedding feeling so very loved. So many friends came from near and far to celebrate us, and it was such an amazing time.
I must admit, I am AMAZED how fast this time has gone.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Whatever happened to the fly drama?
Some may be wondering, what happened to the fly drama? Its been awhile...
Well, thank goodness, they disapeared the next day after I posted (see previous post if you need a recapper: THANK GOD. I t was crazy nasty. What we discovered was that they were coming from our kitchen baseboards. I know you are thinking, "whhaaatttt???" Well, keep in mind, our house (originally Shannon's grandparents' home) was built in the early 1950's by Shannon's Grandpa Huff. Since then we haven't done any major remodeling, so weird stuff happens, hence the crazy devil flies. How, you ask, did you get rid of such a horrendous problem? Welll, my handy man hubby put silicone caulk along the edges of the baseboards, and voilà , problem solved. Almost two weeks later, we have seen just one fly in the house =)
Sunday, August 22, 2010
you better take them off!!
ANyway, one of my all time fave sites is I found a "take off your shoes" sign, and ordered it. I hung it up on the doorknob and I was a proud wifey. Then, one night we leave and my mischevious pups decide to knock it over and chew it up. Needless to say, mama ain't happy. Instead of re ordering, I decided to make my own. I buy a $4 piece of wood and $3 in paint (in my wedding colors, no less) and I made my own sign. My darling hubbs drilled and hung it up for me, high enough where my dennis the meanace pups can't reach it. Potter wife is now very happy. As the saying goes (which I love love love) "Happy wife, happy life" LOL. So, next time you come to visit my domain, take heed of my sign. =)
Monday, August 16, 2010
Potters vs. the flies
Yesterday would have a wonderful prime episode.
Before I go on, I need to preface this by talking about my cleaning skills. This will make perfect sense in one minute, because if I don't preface this, you will think we are disgusting. I think I have OCD about cleanliness. I kid you not. I don't let people walk on our carpet with shoes on, I make my husband change the minute he gets home from work( I do this too) because I can't bear him putting "school germs" on our furniture (I am not kidding school germs are NASTY). After I pet my pups I wash myhands. The carpet and kitchen floor are cleaned multiple times a week. My counters get wiped a million times a day. Things are constantly disinfected everywhere in our house. Dishes are constantly washed, put away, I think you get the point. I just can't handle germs and mess. I am psycho? Absolutely. I hate germs. I know I know, the mommies reading this, laughing evily and are thinking I am going to have the RUDEST awakening someday when we have our Potter babies. I know I know.
So back to the comedy show. Yesterday as we were getting ready to begin our day, a fly was flying around. No biggie this happens. I sing "shoo fly don't bother me" and life goes on. Then, I wander into my freshly cleaned kitchen and I see, I KID YOU NOT like 12-15 (seriously, not kidding. Ask Shannon) flies flying around like its Disneyland, having a field day. The cleaniness girl in me starts to hyperventalate. The OCD wife is not having this. I can't HANDLE it (I know, drama, I know)What the f&*&!!!! I scream for my husband, who of course thinks I chopped myself in half or something like that. He rolls his eyes and proceeds to laugh at my ridiculousness, but sure enough, a battle between the POtters and the flies ensues. It was an intense battle but it ended sooner than we would have liked because we had to leave as we had a commitment to be at. You should have seen us. Both of us with fly swatters, attacking the air like looney people. It was hysterical.
Who the HECK knows how they got there. We don't leave doors or windows open and if we do, its a screen door that technically isn't open. It just makes me skeve thinking how nasty that is. We do live in the country(ish) and we have an acre of land. You are just bound to get something interesting. We scoured the house and didn't find a hole or anything suspicious that would warrant a fly convention. It was so frustrating. Anywho, today, more friends showed up and an intense battle was set. Again another hysterical sight, but we were ready. I felt so frustrated, grossed out and angry till I realized this was waaay too funny. I also realized its okay if things are a little dirty, if things aren't perfect, and you have nasty devil bugs are flying in the air. There are much worse things in life. Some people that I love and cherish are going through so much and here I am, having a conniption over flies. I am grateful for a great hubby whom I can laugh about this with and that these silly experiences make our marriage fun.. And yes, we won the battle today and yes, my house has been scoured clean. Again. Sorry its in me.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
A possible venture??
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
This blog was supposed to chronicle my life as newly fresh wife. Well, I have sucked at this. My one year anniversary is a mere weeks away!! I feel like Ihaven't blogged hardly at all. So, I'm going to make up for lost time =).
Upon being married, I had the starry eyed dream of what married life would be with my new husband. Upon being a wife, I never ever lived with a guy, besides my daddy, lol! I had no clue. I must say, it sometimes have felt like a comedy show. Our first few weeks of marriage were a bit of a whirlwind, since we were (very blessed to be) honeymooning most of the first 3 1/2 weeks between Las Vegas and Ireland. Once we FINALLY were home, it was so like playing house. It was pretty comical. I was beyond excited to go grocery shopping ( I know, weird), have a spotless house (still feel like that) and make dinner. It felt so fun (still is!) to live with him.
We also learned very quickly our crazy quirks . Ah, where do I start?
Shannon has to have the bed made a certain way. I leave cabinets open (drives him nuts!). Shannon hangs his clothes in a certain way, and they have certain hangers. Oh and did I mention its color coordinated? While I on the other hand, I could care less. My side looks like an insane color explosion. Shannon once again re-learned my obssession with all things high heels and how my shoes have taken over the cupboards in our laundry room, lol! Oh and our sleeping habits...he snores and it drives me wild!! He gets annoyed when I hog all the sheets. Oh and did we talk about leaving the toilet seat up or down? ANyway, its like one big comedy show. Its all about getting used to living with another. While some of these quirks could have led to petty arguments, I think we have embraced it. After all, we are stuck with each other for life. We have ended up laughing at each other so many times. Now, practically a year later, we have adjusted. No matter what though, I love this man to pieces.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
My pal Brian




Thursday, June 3, 2010
free falling
I haven't been the best of blogger lately....things have been rather wild. I should let you know, this post is quite candid, but you should expect that, because I am not quite the person to hold things back, lol!
For those who haven't been caught up to speed, Shannon and I are both pink slipped which means no jobbies for us next year. While Shannon has a better chance of being called back, me not so much. I am so far on the totem poll (my district "slipped" all the way to '05). I do still pray for miracles. The feelings that I have been feeling remind me of when my daddy got re diagnosed with cancer. I hate comparing the two, because losing a parent is a terrible experience. But its those same feelings I felt that my life has become completely out of control and there is nothing I can do (that is within my power) to change any bit of it.
At times, I have been a little angry in my prayers to God. Now, before you all chastise me, hear me out. Lately, besides our jobs, some other poopy things have come up that have become WAY stressful. At this point, the things that aren't seeming to go bad, which I am EXTREMELY grateful for, is my wonderful marriage ( Ilove that boy so much), our health is good, and we are even closer with family and friends. I knock on wood as I say this, lol!! Anyway, getting back to the point, I have had some frank convos with God and almost whining, "why is this happening to us, it isn't fair, etc. etc". I have had to pull back and really get back into the word, whichI should have been doing in the first place. I have re-read this verse, which has been insanely relevant to me:
"But if anyone lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives to all generously and without reprimand, and it will be given to him. But he must ask with faith and without doubting, for one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed around by the wind." James 1: 5-6
This really spoke to me, because a lot of my prayers I have not shown much faith. If anything, I am EXTREMELY doubtful which is terrible, I know. I have come to realize that in my walk, I have lacked tremendous faith, I have become so overwhelmed that I am not giving it to God and letting him take over. Since I have realized this, I am letting go more and trying to come to him with more faith. Its so dang hard though. I feel like I am free falling. I am also trying to remind myself that God is much bigger than this whole mess of a situation and he is holding my husband and I in his hands. Reminding myself of this, it makes it a whole lot easier to get through.
I am grateful to my precious family and friends, who have been lifting us up in prayers and encouraging us with verses and positive thoughts. These acts are so simple, yet mean so much to Shannon and I.
If you can, please keep praying for us. We love you guys.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
its a truth and fact right now in my life. As many of you know, the hubster and I got our fabulous pink slips....sadly, this my third year in a row getting it, while this is Shannon’s first. Unfortunately, hubster and I entered the teacher world right as it was crashing. To make a long story extremely short, the teacher world has suffered tremendously due to lack of funding plus many other wonderful things, and it has affected virtually everyone in California and sadly, has only gotten worse as the years have gone by. The last three years, at least for me, has been a lot of uncertainty, whether or not I was going to have a job at the end of the year, etc. A lot of turmoil within all California districts has been going on and a lot of fabulous and amazing teachers have been "pink slipped”. God has been INSANELY good, as he is all the time, and has provided a job every year. Now it comes to the time where Shannon and I don't know what is ahead of us. Like the rest of the world, we have a mortgage, bills and other fun grown up stuff that require moolah. A bit of a scary thought.
What is my attitude about it? Well, I just feel overwhelmed. I think 85% of me is somewhat at peace-ish (as much as one can be during this time) but the rest of me is scared. Another part of me laughs at that, because as mentioned earlier, God is good ALL THE TIME. Even if I don't get it or it’s not the way I have planned things, he seems to always have some uncanny way of having way better ideas and plans for me and the rest of the world. I keep telling myself no matter the circumstances, Shannon and I have no choice but to make it work with what we have, as so many people have to do. I also try to remember that we are truly blessed in many ways. I guess besides praying, there isn't much more to do but to sit back and enjoy the ride.
-Potter's Wife
p.s. if you can though, please pray for us and the many teachers that have been "slipped"
Thursday, April 1, 2010
engagements, weddings and babies, oh my!!
I have been noticing there has been a huge plethora of engagements, weddings and lots 'o' babies. I am really enjoying this "season" of life, and these are such beautiful celebrations. I reminded of that verse in Ecclesiastes 3:1 There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.
I am grateful this is a season of such wonderful things going on in people's lives. It seems with this economy and job force, there is a lot of gloom but yet so much to shared and celebrated. I am very excited for my friends and acquiantances that are engaged, justhad weddings/newlyweds (me included, yay!!!!!), and my expecting friends. I have truly enjoyed sharing in the joy with these people. It makes my heart happy.
Now...onto my second part of my bloggeroo about pregnancy and babies. Just as a disclaimer, no, I am not annoucing anything, lol!!!
With preggo ladies, I know about 20 girls that are expecting/JUST had babies. Some are friends, "sisters", old college acquaintances, work pals, and family. And of course, I get the typical "So, when are YOU having kids?" I think if I had a dime every time I heard this question, I probably wouldn't have to work anymore. I jokingly say I still want my freedom, and people chuckle. I would like to wait at least another half a year to a year. I still like having just Shannon and I. I must admit with my two "sisters" (yay Kristen and Jessica!!!) who are having babies, I have felt, well, why not??? I love the idea of having abeach ball under my shirt, wearing some fun maternity clothes (they are gettting very cute!!) and ultimately, having a beautiful baby girl/boy in my arms. But for now, I am enjoying my time of life and I will just enjoy spoiling the crap out of all the other beautiful babies in my life :)
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Adventures in Ireland


Many ask, "Why Ireland?" Well, Shannon and I have always wanted to go. I have always wanted to venture to that part of the world, and Ireland was one of the countries on my "bucket list" that I wanted to go to (next up on the list: Italy, France, Greece, England and Scotland, lol!!!). Also, as you can probably tell by my husband's name, Shannon is Irish and Scottish (also American Indian, phew!) and it had been a life long dream of his to visit at least one of those countries.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Wedding Day

Some girls dream of their wedding day since they could walk and talk and yep that was me. I laugh at some of the ideas I came up with as a young girl, because one, it was probably something crazy and unrealistic and two, the wedding dresses I imagined as a girl are now BUTT UGLY, lol (gotta love the eighties!!)!
September 19th was truly a magical day. Some may disagree (lol), but I don't think I was super bridezilla-ish. I tried to remain as calm as humanly possible. I am proud to say I planned everything, and I do mean everything all by myself. Sure, I had my amazing family and fiance helping me out but I was the mastermind behind it all. I am pretty darn proud I acutally pulled something off!
I must give a shout out through, to my amazing wedding crew of family and friends. Everyone was SUPER helpful and supportive the day of the wedding and were BEYOND helpful and it was flawless.
Our wedding was gorgeous and sunny (a bit hot I might add). From my point of view, nothing really went wrong. I felt like a true princess and one of my favorite moments was seeing my husband fo the first time, as we did see each other before the ceremony. It was AWESOME. I have been told numerous times that our ceremony was very emotional and it was. I think all of the bridal party, guests, us, and our pastor were all crying at some point. First the girls and I walked down to some beautiful music from the movie, Braveheart. The music is so powerful and super pretty.
We did a candle lighting to honor my father and his parents (both deceased due to cancer) and that right there was crazy hard. I am honored my brother in law was able to walk me down. My Dad would have been very happy and I could feel his presence the whole time. Shannon and I also did our own vows, it was amazing but we both cried our way through it. It was truly surreal.
Our reception was a blast too. We were introduced by walking into the main "Star Wars" theme. Anyone who knows my hubby knows Shannon is OBSESSED with Star Wars. We also walked under a tunnel of light sabers, held up by the bridal party. The reception was beautiful and fun and we basically danced the night away.
overall, what a day. I am grateful and blessed for our big day and thankful for our family and friends. 6 months later, I still am on cloud 9 and couldn't be happier
Friday, March 19, 2010
Because everyone has one!!

I am following what seems like the growing trend...I am starting my own blog. I have read so many other people's blogs and I feel like its a great way to see how people are doing.
On September 19th, 2009 I began to embark on a journey called marriage. I married a man who truly God has designed for me and he is exceptionally wonderful and VERY good looking I might add, lol! So far today is our 6th month anniversary. At times, it hasn't been easy (money is a bit tight-ish and it doesn't help we both got pink slippped) but at the end of the day we love each other tremendously and couldn't be happier. Isn't that what counts anyway? ANywho, I love being a wife. Its amazing because I always remeber thinking as I was growing up, "ugh, I would have to cook, clean and run a house?" but I actually LOVE it. It also helps that I have also married the most helpful husband in the world. I must say I am pretty darn lucky. Well, enjoy the blog...I will warn you it may be random and silly, but I am just a newly-wed wife trying to figure it all out.